Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament - Sign up thread

Started by Blitz, April 01, 2016, 09:02:08 AM

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HardDrops tournament organizing team proudly presents:

Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament
Sponsored by Tetris Online, Blue Planet Software and Toyota Motor Corporation.

Date and Time
Sunday, April 31st 2016
11:59 PM PST / 11:59 PM EST / 11:59 PM GMT

1st Place: Exclusive special edition Tetris Ultimate for Gameboy Advanced. (We don't have any more info on this other than the prize is being donated by a trustworthy source from Ubisoft)

2nd Place: The all new Toyota Corolla

3rd Place: Lifetime Arena Armor for TetrisFriends. NEVER rank down again, EVER!!! (This price is equivalent to a lifetime amount of Rubies, which in turn saves you from spending a lifetime of real money on Rubies)
Be warned though, once you unlock it there is no way to turn it off. It will stay in your game forever.

Tournament rules:
Please note that these rules are subject to change without notice, before, during, and after the tournament.

•   All matches must be played on TetrisFriends Arena with E+ settings, maps and items.
•   All players must use 500das and 300ar, no ihs, no irs, this can be achieved using this url [url=http://www.tetrisfriends.com/games/Live/game.php?das=500&ar=300&ihs=false&irs=false]http://www.tetrisfriends.com/games/Live/ga...e&irs=false

•   Players are not allowed to use Arena Armor.
•   You must take at least one screenshot every time you do a T-spin. Taking multiple screenshots of one T-spin does not relieve you of taking another one the next time you T-spin. All T-spin screenshots must be uploaded and posted in this thread as part of proper match documentation.
•   Players are not allowed to use arena armor.
•   Only J-spin triples may be used to top out another player.
•   Any player using a keyboard cannot use the harddrop feature for the first 30 seconds of the game. This will provide a fair handicap to any non keyboard player.
•   NO Perfect Clear SPAM!!! Perfect clears sends so many lines that spamming them is simply not fair. Any excessive use of Perfect Clears will be considered harassment against the other player and will be grounds for immediate DQ!
•   Players are still not allowed to use arena armor.
•   You can only make two combos during the entire tournament.
•   A maximum of 2 T-spins of any type is allowed per game unless you are doing I-spin singles. Each additional I-spin single allows for 2 additional T-spins of any type.
•   No more than one I-spin single per game, unless you are doing Polymer J-Spin Doubles. Every third additional Polymer J-Spin Double allows for two additional I-spin singles.
•   You are only allowed to do Polymer J-Spin Doubles after you've done 10 consecutive B2B Z-spin mini singles.
•   You are not allowed to do B2B Z-spin mini singles unless you have a king of stackers account.
•   You are not allowed to lose a game on purpose.
•   You are not allowed to show up too late for your match.
•   You are not allowed to show up too early for your match.
•   You are not allowed to show up on time for your match.
•   Every match, you must do a 4 combo or higher.
•   If you post a cat gif in the HardDrop shoutbox during the tournament and your username is not "caffeine", that will be considered impersonating and you will be disqualified from the tournament immediately, even if you didn't sign up for the tournament.
•   Please do not use Arena armor as this makes you invincible and that is unfair.
•   If you don't sign up for the tournament you are automatically signed up for the tournament and vice versa.
•   You must always say GLHF before every game. If you do not, that will be considered disrespectful and you will be disqualified immediately.
•   You must always say GG after every game, regardless whether you think it was a good game or not.
•   You must upload proper documentation of ALL your matches to this thread.
Proper documentation includes, but is not limited to:
-   A screenshot must be taken every time you clear a line. This screenshot must be converted to .TGA file format.
-   Every game must be recorded in 1080p, 120fps or higher.
-   You must make at least one, but preferably five excel spreadsheets for each game.
These spreadsheets must contain detailed analysis of the following important game aspects:
- Speed. (Tetrominos per minute, Keystrokes per minute, Frames per Tetromino per T-spin per minute etc...)
- Efficiency. (Tetrominos per garbage line, Tetrominos per line sent, Percentage of minimum Tetrominos needed per line sent per line cleared etc...)
- Chat activity. (Time spent chatting with the other player, words per minute, adjectives per second etc...)
-   A fumen must be made for every single game. Every frame must have a comment explaining in detail your reasoning for why you did what you did during that frame.
A backup of this documentation must be kept on your computer for at least 10 years.

Anti-Exploit Measures:
Tournament organizers and judges will be watching for certain highly suspicious occurrences that are likely to indicate cheating.
The list of suspicious occurrences includes, but is not limited to:
•   A player is rank 21 or higher
•   A player uses arena armor
•   A player sends more than 30 lines
•   A player does 10 consecutive B2B Z-spin mini singles.
•   A player wins a best of 5 without losing a match.
•   A player wins a first to 15 win by 2, without winning by 2.
•   A player plays more than 3 consecutive games without a SZ or ZS start.
•   A player does a Tetris
•   A player wins the tournament
•   A player uses the cat gif avatar

Players who accumulate an excessive number of these markers of hacking and exploitation will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Max 512 participants.
If more players wants in, priority goes to those who have large donations. Donations are accepted in TetrisFriends Rubies only.
Round of 512: Best of 3
Round of 256: Best of 5
Round of 128: Best of 7
Round of 64: Best of 7
Round of 32: Best of 7
Round of 16: Best of 9
Quarterfinals: First to 15 win by 2
Semifinals: The players plays turn based rock paper scissors in chat to determine the finalists. Through extensive testing, the HardDrop extensive testing team has found that real time rock paper scissors is too random and luck based so our HardDrop expert game design team has decided to alleviate this by employing a turn based format of rock paper scissors which effectively eliminates all luck from the equation.

Finals: Tetris friends 3v3 teams. Both finalists gets to pick two team members from the eliminated participants. The finals are first to 1 win by 20.

Every single game will be streamed and commentated.
We currently have no commentators. If you are interested in commentating this tournament, you can apply for a commentator slot by replying to this thread with a voice sample of what your commentary would sound like.
Thanks to our HardDrop software development team, our streamers are in position of cutting edge streaming technology capable of streaming to Twitch, Hitbox, Youtube, Netflix and 70 more major streaming services at the same time so we estimate this tournament will reach an audience of over 200 million people!

Player Sign-Up Form:
HardDrop Name:
TetrisFriends  Name:
Tetris skill (rate yourself using Richter Scale):
TetrisFriends Arena Rank:
Desired shoutbox name color:
Do you play the didgeridoo?:
List three countries you will NOT be residing in on the Tournament day:
(your location information will not be shared with anyone except the people reading this forum. HardDrops advanced mathematics team will use this information to triangulate your timezone in order to arrange your matches at a convenient time of day)

Brackets are single elimination and for fairness the seeding will be determined solely by the number of Rubies on your TetrisFriends account.

As stated above, the rules are subject to change without notice before, during or after the tournament so if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas please send them to the HardDrop tournament Q&A team which will forward your ideas to HardDrops serious consideration team which will seriously consider your ideas.


i don't even want to read the entire list restrictions and requirements you've placed lmfao

won't be joining but good luck to the participants
☠ MicroBlizz


Super pumped for this tournament! Quick question: are we allowed to use arena armor?


mfw gba tu runs perfectly with customizable controls.



Quote from: caffeine
Too many rules.
I'd rather not participate.
Just an Irish tetris player.


You are all April Fools!

But seriously, is a tournament happening?