First 1vs1 Tetris Game

Started by Jaymod, December 14, 2016, 02:40:03 PM

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What is the first tetris game which supported 1vs1?

I heard it was tengen tetris for the nes?


Quote from: Jaymod

What is the first tetris game which supported 1vs1?

I heard it was tengen tetris for the nes?
tengen tetris was 2 player simultaneous same field and 2 player single player. No real 1v1.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


First game that supported real multiplayer Tetris (sending lines back and forth) was Game Boy Tetris (1989) via link cable. Problem is you can't see the opponent's screen (only a height meter) and an additional win condition is to clear 30 lines. Later in 1989, the Japanese Arcade game Bloxeed was released. It uses a different garbage mechanics: The garbage has the holes exactly in those columns where the opponent entered the last piece to complete the lines. Problem is that Singles also send lines (only 99% sure about it) so it is not balanced.

In 1990, there was Tetris included in the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.1. Garbage lines have multiple holes (in average 5 holes which are likely not connected), so it's not worth digging through the garbage at all. Just try to make Tetrises and Triples as fast as possible. In 1991 we have Super Tetris, a weird game with bombs. I bet the multiplayer is also very bad. In 1992 we have Tetris Classic which only has kinda cooperative Tetris (like Tengen NES Tetris). In 1991 and following years, Bullet Proof Software made (Super) Tetris & Bombliss games for NES and SNES which were released only in Japan. Here Singles send 1 garbage line, thus not balanced again.

It took until 1993 and 1994 until games with good designed multiplayer were released eventually. Tetris & Dr. Mario (1994) works like Game Boy Tetris but without its flaws. Tetris Battle Gaiden (1993) has some mana crystal mechanics where you can cast spells depending on the chosen character. The 2 players also compete for the next pieces (shared piece queue). I don't think it's fun to play but you should definitely watch a video of it on Youtube.