The "Heartbeat" challenge

Started by Extruderx, May 24, 2015, 03:12:45 AM

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A fun little idea I've had the other day.

1. Pick a game with survivor mode (I pick C2 because the sounds fit more)
2. Play at the consistent rhythm of 120 BPM (2 pieces being placed per second, at an uneven pace).
Note that the C2 speed meter can still show around 130 during your play - it will give the correct value at the end.
3. Minor rhythm screw-ups (1-2 missed beats in a row) are allowed, as long as your BPM at the end shows 115-125.
Any more or less is considered a failed attempt. Try not to deviate too much.
4. Try to survive as long as possible. I'll make a leaderboard if people are interested enough.
5. Go for style if you can (between the piece locks you're free to move pieces, so you get some time to soft drop/spin for the first of two hits.)
Bonus challenge: Try to clear Grande Finale/Uber l33t while following the same rules.

This challenge helped me at the preview management, as you have to plan for 2 moves ahead.
It also can help some people with finesse practice. Not for the faint-hearted (pun intended)


[spoiler]p.s. the only real difficulty is your own heart trying to sabotage your attempt [/spoiler]
mirrored post on gewaltig here


Looks very interesting. I'll give this a shot sometime soon. This also reminds me I should properly check out Cultris in general.
40L: 33.92 | [/font]


i'm only replying to turn this into an alex thread

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Finally a chance to post some Enrique


I had not played cultris before. Wow. I really like it. I found I can maintain less than 80 BPM. I have work to do.
I wanted to post and say thanks for introducing me to it.


Quote from: Extruderx

2. Play at the consistent rhythm of 120 BPM (2 pieces being placed per second, at an uneven pace).

You mean 60 BPM = 120 PPM?


Quote from: eevor
Quote from: Extruderx
2. Play at the consistent rhythm of 120 BPM (2 pieces being placed per second, at an uneven pace).
You mean 60 BPM = 120 PPM?
I think he meant play at 120 avg BPM speed, but drop every two pieces quickly with a short pause before the next drop, so as to mimic a heartbeat rhythm. Watching his video should explain it.
"Practice Makes Perfect Never Give Up Pizza Power!"


I did watch it. Hearbeat consists of two sounds, the pump and release, so the heart rate is half the pieces per minute.


Cultris calls it blocks per minute (BPM) so he was talking about pieces, not beats per minute.