Nullpomino customization + mod pack

Started by Blitz, August 12, 2013, 10:01:32 AM

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I use play_swing.bat in order to play nullpomino. Using this mod doesn't allow me to do such.

It loads up correctly, showing the lists and options. The options seem able to change. But hitting "start play"  doesn't start play. nor does double clicking or enter button activate it.

It DOES work if i use the executable as does the normal nullpomino. But it's not optimal on my system like play_swing.bat is. With the normal executable it's basically useless lagging all over hell.

So is there a way to fix this?


From the chat:
StevieSmiley 11:52 Well that bums me out
StevieSmiley 11:52 The mod for nullpo doesnt work in play_swing
StevieSmiley 11:53 or it does, and they just corrupted the bat
StevieSmiley 11:55 hmmm nope. the .bat itself is fine
morningpee 12:40 StevieSmiley, play_swing is very old
morningpee 12:40 Use play_slick
StevieSmiley 1:01 playstick doen't work that good on my system either
StevieSmiley 1:03 yeah that thing is freezing up in play)stick
StevieSmiley 1:05 hmmm ok the mod version seems to work but im confused in whatever it's doing lol
StevieSmiley 1:11 keyboard config fixed it


Hi, stupid question here. These mods are probably Windows-only?

I just got nullpo running on my Mac a few days ago, and I prefer to use this Mac for everything. But judging from the .EXE file in this package, I am guessing it's Windows only. Any way to get these to run on a mac? I am still a complete noob when it comes to compiling Mac distributions, so at this point, when I don't see a .DMG file I just give up.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Quote from: Blitz
You can download it here:
Nullpomino customization + mod
Hmm, the download link appears to be dead

- Jono

Never all seems to be working properly again...
Fear and respect... the supreme energy that is Psycho Power!


Would anyone like to nominate any of these features / modifications for inclusion in Zeromeaner?  Zeromeaner is of Nullpo descent and I may be able to absorb some of these ideas without too much effort.  Gotta know which ones people actually would want though.

Feel free to respond in the comments.

Or, even better, submit a feature request to the Zeromeaner issue tracker


thanks for sharing/ Blitz is a genius  


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