A question for all

Started by bluedoom57, April 09, 2015, 07:40:51 AM

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I'm sure I'm probably the only one, but do you guys ever get a period of time (days, weeks, however long) where you just despise playing tetris?
I've been having a relatively long string of this, and I was curious of whether other people experience it or not. I think Tetris is one of very few games that can make me hate myself xD (Don't get me wrong, I love Tetris, but sometimes... ugh, I just wish it never existed xD)


That doesn't happen to me, because I play a variety of games and gamemodes, also I have met quite a few friends you can just talk with in a game room.
Sometimes I hate myself for stacking/downstacking a certain way that I'm not able to change for some reason.
Sometimes it feels like DAS is too slippery for me to handle - I try to avoid playing at these days.


Quote from: bluedoom57
I'm sure I'm probably the only one, but do you guys ever get a period of time (days, weeks, however long) where you just despise playing tetris?
I've been having a relatively long string of this, and I was curious of whether other people experience it or not. I think Tetris is one of very few games that can make me hate myself xD (Don't get me wrong, I love Tetris, but sometimes... ugh, I just wish it never existed xD)

I think you're not the only one; I sometimes get this for hours (maybe a day at worst). Granted, I play invisible, but my reasons probably apply to many:

1. Practice; do something wrong that kills what would be a good run.
2. Become more frustrated.
3. Push harder the next game as a result of frustration (intentionally or inadvertently).
4. Get a mediocre run.
5. Repeat steps 2-4.

Ere long I can't place 100 pieces before messing up, and there's steam coming out my ears. I'd say keeping Tetris sessions relatively short averts this kind of frustration, or at least taking frequent breaks to, well, to break the cycle.


I get the feeling of why am I even trying/ I suck so much I wallow in self pity when I 1vs1 subversive on TF and mattyabar on TOP and 5pps korean users on Nullpo and 200+bpm users on C2.
But those occasional wins make me happy. Tetris is such a tease.


Well, glad to see I'm not the only one.
DAS seems to be a problem no matter where I set it. I've tried everything between 5 and 20, and I seem to work best with 8 or 12.
At the moment, the largest problem I have is slowdown due to my computer dying. On top of my lack of skill, it makes it very frustrating to play


I get that feeling when it feels like I've hit a plateau or the Tetris scene slows down. I usually take a break until things pick up again when that happens
☠ MicroBlizz


Quote from: MicroBlizz
I get that feeling when it feels like I've hit a plateau

Same here, which seems to happen entirely too often. With me, I have ADD that is an issue too, in more then one way. I'll be bored with Tetris after a few rounds, enough so I want would rather play anything... until I do, then I seem to only play it for a half hour at most and I'm back to Tetris.
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