Hello Everyone, HELLO WORLD

Started by Min, September 16, 2014, 08:34:55 PM

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Hi everyone! I'm Min and I'm new on these forums, hopefully I'll be active on this or something. I'm Korean. Yeah... So even if I'm decent, everyone says I suck xD. My Sprint Time is 1:25-1:45... I don't know if that's bad or terrible. I just came on these forums after reading some guides, and thought that if I signed up I could possibly receive help! ;D thx



I know you found paul's thread, but I have to recommend you this guide in particular:


this guide improves your downstack, regardless of the game you play.



Quote from: officegunner

I know you found paul's thread, but I have to recommend you this guide in particular:


this guide improves your downstack, regardless of the game you play.


I'll definitely check it out, even if I will probably never play that mode hahaha thanks!