Your thoughts on "God of tetris" ?

Started by Oharra, February 26, 2014, 02:09:23 AM

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Hello Harddroppers, I'm new here...

I have been playing tetris for a few years, also a bit on tetris friends... In an earlier stage of my tetris career, I wasn't yet a "top player" or really fast or anything, and struggled already at rank 65, and later on rank 90. Then I started learning st stacking on some point, started to like it and become better and better, and so I was really happy to finally achieve the top rank "God of tetris". Now, not that it means so much, but it gave me a really good feeling to achieve something you've had to play/improve for for a while...

But recently I have also noticed there are a lot of "average" players also on the highest rank... You think it would be weird since you need about 500 wins at least for the last ranks to achieve the top. And so I have played (challenged players) in a live game, without bombs though, rank 110, that were really really poor. Sending like 20-30-40 lines, I've had it many times. I think it's kinda wrong for some reasons, like there are certainly a lot of skilled players that are "god of tetris" but that makes it for those people not really special anymore to have that rank, since a "beginner" could almost have that rank.

One of the reasons why there are so much average players at the higher ranks is, I think because of the "bombs" in tetris battle. I think it's even un fair, like someone who sends a lot of lines to your opponent, it's like the more lines you send, the better he can counter you with detonating bombs... I think that would be a good thing if they would disable bombs from of rank 101, and then we would get a true picture of good tetris players...  Now it's kind of ridiculous... I think facebook, or the game develoopers wont really care about this, unfortunately it looks like they care most about the money to make, the commercial shit that has been increased in this game. Thats whats pulling me away from this particular game on facebook, I can understand others as well who stopped playing.

I'm even thinking about creating "my own" tetris game, but more about that later



Quote from: Oharra
Hello Harddroppers, I'm new here...

I have been playing tetris for a few years, also a bit on tetris friends... In an earlier stage of my tetris career, I wasn't yet a "top player" or really fast or anything, and struggled already at rank 65, and later on rank 90. Then I started learning st stacking on some point, started to like it and become better and better, and so I was really happy to finally achieve the top rank "God of tetris". Now, not that it means so much, but it gave me a really good feeling to achieve something you've had to play/improve for for a while...

But recently I have also noticed there are a lot of "average" players also on the highest rank... You think it would be weird since you need about 500 wins at least for the last ranks to achieve the top. And so I have played (challenged players) in a live game, without bombs though, rank 110, that were really really poor. Sending like 20-30-40 lines, I've had it many times. I think it's kinda wrong for some reasons, like there are certainly a lot of skilled players that are "god of tetris" but that makes it for those people not really special anymore to have that rank, since a "beginner" could almost have that rank.

One of the reasons why there are so much average players at the higher ranks is, I think because of the "bombs" in tetris battle. I think it's even un fair, like someone who sends a lot of lines to your opponent, it's like the more lines you send, the better he can counter you with detonating bombs... I think that would be a good thing if they would disable bombs from of rank 101, and then we would get a true picture of good tetris players...  Now it's kind of ridiculous... I think facebook, or the game develoopers wont really care about this, unfortunately it looks like they care most about the money to make, the commercial shit that has been increased in this game. Thats whats pulling me away from this particular game on facebook, I can understand others as well who stopped playing.

I'm even thinking about creating "my own" tetris game, but more about that later

I'm a rank 67 right now, if it wasn't for energy restraints though I think I'd easily be at 80 or 90 I think.  Mostly because I play with bombs also.  If the game has bombs implemented in it, then there's no reason to not use them...or say that it's un fair for people to use it.  I don't think playing with bombs, or your tetris battle rank alone are valid enough reasons to judge your skill as a whole though.  I tend to just think of tetris battle as another tetris game, with different aspects, and different strategies.  I also want to hear more about this tetris game you plan on making

tl;dr - im kewl wit bombs, part uf da game
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Quote from: Tico
I'm a rank 67 right now, if it wasn't for energy restraints though I think I'd easily be at 80 or 90 I think.  Mostly because I play with bombs also.  If the game has bombs implemented in it, then there's no reason to not use them...or say that it's un fair for people to use it.  I don't think playing with bombs, or your tetris battle rank alone are valid enough reasons to judge your skill as a whole though.  I tend to just think of tetris battle as another tetris game, with different aspects, and different strategies.  I also want to hear more about this tetris game you plan on making

tl;dr - im kewl wit bombs, part uf da game

bombs are part of that game yes, but normally it is not actually... Not in tetris friends, nullpomino etc... Sometimes I like bombs to make combos etc, but why I think its unfair cuz sometimes you send the same amount of lines to someone, and they just have more ko's then you, cuz of the bombs... For example with st stacking you can't detonate bombs... And then you play with technique...


This is probably why TB is not very popular in this community.

I think bombs are mostly there for the fun factor.. and also to teach people to downstack.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Oharra
bombs are part of that game yes, but normally it is not actually... Not in tetris friends, nullpomino etc... Sometimes I like bombs to make combos etc, but why I think its unfair cuz sometimes you send the same amount of lines to someone, and they just have more ko's then you, cuz of the bombs... For example with st stacking you can't detonate bombs... And then you play with technique...
I mean, i totally see your point  I just don't think something should be changed because it's not like other tetris games...y'know? Every tetris game has a little something that makes it different, and that for tetris battle is the bombs.  When I play tetris battle I just change my strategy, and i focus on detonating bombs.  If I get ko'd while st stacking in a game that puts me at a disadvantage for st stacking, then wouldn't it be my fault for getting ko'd?

Don't get me wrong though, I see your point
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Quote from: ohitsstef
This is probably why TB is not very popular in this community.

I think bombs are mostly there for the fun factor.. and also to teach people to downstack.

Perhaps. Personally I despise the idea of bombs, hence why I haven't even played the FB version.


I think bombs was a revolutionary idea for asynchronous play (playing against a replay of another person). Interaction with garbage is important for multiplayer. IMO this is lacking when playing with solid garbage (garbage without holes or bombs).

Quote from: OharraOne of the reasons why there are so much average players at the higher ranks is, I think because of the "bombs" in tetris battle. I think it's even un fair, like someone who sends a lot of lines to your opponent, it's like the more lines you send, the better he can counter you with detonating bombs... I think that would be a good thing if they would disable bombs from of rank 101, and then we would get a true picture of good tetris players
It's partly a problem with bombs, but I think it's majorly a problem which replays are chosen. Because of asynchronous play the sum of all players' ranks doesn't stay the same. Players can easily rank to 110 if the replays are no challenge. And if you're not good enough, then you can still use powerups.

The replays start either with a huge combo or ZT stacking. ZT stacking means a steady flood of clean garbage (2 bombs above each other) which can be sent back easily (1 bomb -> downstack 1 line, 2 bombs -> downstack 2 lines at once + sent 1 line).  You can easily top out your opponent 2 times, if they stack up to the very top. Often players restack if their first 3/4 wide fails. This gives you another chance to top them out. There should be more high level replays where players send either messy garbage or huge spikes and keep their stack low at the same time.


Quote from: Integration
I think bombs was a revolutionary idea for asynchronous play (playing against a replay of another person). Interaction with garbage is important for multiplayer. IMO this is lacking when playing with solid garbage (garbage without holes or bombs).
It's partly a problem with bombs, but I think it's majorly a problem which replays are chosen. Because of asynchronous play the sum of all players' ranks doesn't stay the same. Players can easily rank to 110 if the replays are no challenge. And if you're not good enough, then you can still use powerups.

The replays start either with a huge combo or ZT stacking. ZT stacking means a steady flood of clean garbage (2 bombs above each other) which can be sent back easily (1 bomb -> downstack 1 line, 2 bombs -> downstack 2 lines at once + sent 1 line).  You can easily top out your opponent 2 times, if they stack up to the very top. Often players restack if their first 3/4 wide fails. This gives you another chance to top them out. There should be more high level replays where players send either messy garbage or huge spikes and keep their stack low at the same time.

But if an opponent detonates bombs, do you get em back to downstack again? And you forget an important point here I think, in replays you also have that your opponent will not adapt to your game/playing, so that makes it quite easy to win from a combo/4wider, cuz he will not downstack when you send in lines... I talk out of expierence and it's much easier to battle a replay in that case than live... And I think that is in most cases.

But my point is, if you would disable bombs in the higher ranks, only skilled players that can actually send a lot of lines, would be left, which is still the essence of a tetris game I think  Now there are "Gods of tetris" who make like 40-50 lines, thats not good...


Quote from: Integration
I think bombs was a revolutionary idea for asynchronous play (playing against a replay of another person).
I agree, bombs actually feel like an interaction, whereas solid garbage is about pure APM and might as well be a singleplayer game for me.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
There should be more high level replays where players send either messy garbage or huge spikes and keep their stack low at the same time.
Another problem with TB's style of garbage is that when your replay opponent sends their huge spike, you can let all those garbage lines accumulate before dropping your piece and just get KOed once (even if they sent much more than 20 lines). It gets especially silly when the replay opponent does the same thing, allowing you to stack freely.


TB is an  unmaintained MMO; an endless grind using methods you learned at rank 10.
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


A god would look something like:

[spoiler][!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.