playing with offline players at tetris friends

Started by pr1nz, January 10, 2014, 03:31:14 PM

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Just played on Tetris Friends.
Wanted to look at the records of people I played with.
Clicked on three profiles.
all persons were offline at the moment and in an other rank I just played with them.
the should be online and be playing in the same rank as me

but instead it says
Offline | Last Logged In:  Jan 02, 2014
Offline | Last Logged In:  Dec 10, 2013

how come?


Arena is the only live  mode on Tetris Friends.  Battle 2P/6P, Sprint 5P and Rally8P use replay data to simulate a multiplayer environment.
[spoiler] [img]


Whenever you play modes with bombs or solid garbage lines and you have no chat window, it'll probably be asynchronous gameplay. This means the game stores some previous played games and matches you up against one of those replays. In Tetris Friends Sprint 5P I've already played against myself; strange feeling.


thanks for the information!
now I got it!
my own pc is lousy (but I ll get a new one as soon as possible) - that s why I can play 6 p without problems and playing arena is a huge problem for my pc and when i click, it sometimes causes no reaction to the minos.
playing arena the pc has to calculate more (cause it is really life and there is more data transmitted.)


I guess a high-end pc will not completely remove all lags from Arena.

For Tetris Friends try the Minimal Tetris Arena script.

For Tetris Battle, you can set FPS (Frames Per Second) to 60 with this link: You should also try to zoom out (Control + Mousewheel down on Chrome or Firefox, use right click -> show all/Alles Zeigen to show the whole TB flash screen) and set flash quality to low (rightclick -> quality -> low).


that s why I can play 6 p without problems and playing arena is a huge problem for my pc and when i click, it sometimes causes no reaction to the minos.
playing arena the pc has to calculate more (cause it is really life and there is more data transmitted.)