Can you break this person's record?

Started by djackallstar, December 20, 2013, 05:32:03 AM

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みわしいば (*1), a Japanese game developer, made a game called Alice Mare. (*2)

Alice Mare is an RPG with a bunch of puzzles and riddles for players to solve, just like "Professor Layton" on NDS.

Of all the puzzle games inside Alice Mare, there is one called "NuTetris" which is actually tetris.

Not long after you start to play Alice Mare, you will meet a kitty on the road that asks you "Wanna play NuTetris?",

if you answer yes, this is what you are going to play: (drag the timeline to 07:50)

NuTetris has the following features:
1. Memoryless randomizer
2. No hold
3. Only with one preview
4. Gravity increases as you reach a new level
5. Colors for each tetromino are different from that of SRS and ARS

The highest levels from what I can find is by this person:
S/he reached Lv.53 in about 33 minutes, and then lost due to an MD.
(for those who have no Niconico account:

I wonder if anyone is able to break the record. Happy NuTetrising!

*1: The developer's blog =>
*2: Download link of Alice Mare =>
for Japanese version, see


The visuals are good, but gameplay is a little problematic.

Sadly, you can only rotate in 1 direction. You must softdrop a piece or let it fall down 2 rows before you actually can rotate it. Sometimes my inputs were ignored. I guess it happens when you rotate and move in the same frame.

Level increase is every 5 cleared lines. I guess a piece falls down a row every 61 (or 62?) frames in level 1, every 60 frames in level 2, every 59 frames in level 3 and so on. Problem with that system is that the speed won't increase noticeable in the first levels, and the speed will increase too rapidly in later levels.

I played it twice. First time I got to level 59. Second time I got to level 60, 1 row short for level 61. In level 61 (if this exists) pieces would fall so fast that you couldn't reach the left and right walls anymore.