
Started by agizzlefizzle123, November 24, 2013, 12:32:05 PM

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How do I deal with lag? I think it might just be my computer because it is like the first computer that was ever made and I get a lot of lag when i play tetris sometimes. I use Google Chrome. Someone help!
"The truth lies in darkness" -Zed the Master of Shadows


There are two things that people refer to as "lag" when playing on tetrisfriends for example.

First one, which is a much more common and annoying problem, is that the game doesn't run "smoothly", it responds poorly to key presses and causes you to misdrop a lot. That's probably what you're asking about.
Unfortunately, there's only so much you can do about it. For start, install adblock if you still haven't. Try other browsers, maybe in some it will run smoother. For me it only works in Linux on Firefox.
Check out here on forum, there were some topics on dealing with that, but I'm not sure which suggestions ended up helping.

The other type of lag is the standard network gaming lag, where your game isn't correctly synchronized in time with server/other people. That can cause you to start the game a few seconds later, sometimes receive nasty spikes all at once or cause disadvantage on hurry-up garbage time. I think.


How to deal with lag? Play slower.  

How to reduce lags?
  • use Google Chrome as internet browser
  • make sure only one Shockwave Flash plugin is active (chrome://plugins/ in address bar)
  • install an Adblocker to remove ads (for example this one)
  • zoom out (Control + Mousewheel)
  • increase the thread's priority (taskmanager -> look for chrome.exe with highest CPU usage -> realtime)
  • reduce the quality of Flash rendering (for example with the help of this plugin)
I assumed you were speaking about Tetris Friends. Note that this will make the graphics uglier. If your computer is really too old for TF, you could switch over to Tetris Online Poland.


I'm on a beast of a pc and I still lag on tetrisfriends..

You know they screwed up when you can run three crysis 3 games at once (albeit windowed mode) on max graphics and you can't run a simple tetris client..


thanks everyone!
"The truth lies in darkness" -Zed the Master of Shadows