Interview with The Ultimate Spicy

Started by Katatoniopeth, October 12, 2013, 08:42:32 AM

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The Ultimate Spicy

A regular on Nullpomino and an all round nice guy, lets get to know the spicy man of ultimate proportion!

Katatoniapeth:  So for my first question, what got you hooked to Tetris, and what would you say your strengths and weaknesses are as far as your style of play is concerned?

The Ultimate Spicy: Where it began-
I started playing tetris at the age of 7. I was pretty anti-social so I played a bunch of N64 games. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, etc. One of the games was this tetris game called "The New Tetris". It had awesome music and gameplay. The goal of the game was to gradually clear lines and unlock 'The Wonders Of The World'.

The Ultimate Spicy: To answer your question though, what got me hooked to tetris was the fact that video games were kind of a mental escape from what was going on at the time(not going to go into it, for the sake of not getting too personal here). And so Tetris kind of became this thing I did to deal with everything. Things outside of Tetris were chaotic and unorganized, and playing Tetris gave me a sense of relief.

My strengths with Tetris are having the ability to take criticism and learn pretty fast(even though improving for me lately as I've gotten better, has of course become more difficult)

I have habits to break. I make a lot of mistakes, especially when playing multiplayer, so dealing with pressure and holding composure. Those are the two main things.

Katatoniapeth: N64 ftw! I always have used video games as an escape as well. It is good that you are a humble player!

Katatoniapeth: What would be your dream job be, and why?

The Ultimate Spicy: I love cooking. I get this satisfaction out of food service, and more specifically preparing food because it's just fun. I like spicy food a lot, hence the stupid gamertag I gave myself back in high school.

The Ultimate Spicy: So my dream job would be something along the lines of a line cook or something, I don't care if it's not much to 'amount to', I just like it.

Katatoniapeth: That's awesome! What IS the ultimate spicy?!

The Ultimate Spicy: That has yet to be found.

Katatoniapeth: Fair enough. How would you feel if TF implimented an allspins game mode, how do you feel adding that dynamic would add to the complexity of the game?

The Ultimate Spicy: It would certainly add more spin oppurtunities, and the sending of lines would seemingly be more available. Work would have to be done on the site in general before anything like a new multiplayer mode could even be implemented, but it's a cool idea that I definitely would'nt turn down.

Katatoniapeth: Hell yeah, I agree

Katatoniapeth: How do you feel about the Harddrop community as far as the "unity" aspect is concerned, are we one nation under line piece, or is it a shimmyshammy of cliques?

The Ultimate Spicy:  I haven't come across any cliques. Of course, I don't really delve into the forums as much as I could/should, so my answer probably isn't all that helpful. I can say that I've never been told to go away, or that I was bad, or anything like that.

Katatoniapeth: Ahh ok ok, how do you feel about trolling specifically towards newer members to the community and the game?

The Ultimate Spicy: You shouldn't troll anyone. It'll ruin the experience of the game/community and would probably get rid of a potential high level player. Tetris is a game, and when you start making a game un-fun to play, it's ruined. Competitive communities can sometimes go astray, and forget that it's a game. The entire point of a game, is for entertainment, fun, and enjoyment for anyone regardless of skill level.

Katatoniapeth: I agree, it is not only disrespectful, but also discouraging to players.

Katatoniapeth: Would you say Tetris is your favorite game? and if so, tell me why
and what other type of games you enjoy playing.

The Ultimate Spicy: Tetris is my favorite game because of the significance it holds to me(answer is kind of in my first answer). I also play the Smash Bros. franchise competitively. I host, stream, and attend tournaments for the 64, Melee, and Brawl, and even Project M(a community based mod that applies Melee game mechanics to characters from brawl).

Katatoniapeth: Niceee, how have you fared in Smash Bro tourneys?

The Ultimate Spicy: I wouldn't say I'm really good or anything, but I know a lot about the game and I've taken a couple of local tournaments. I am the most technically driven player out of the people I play with regularly. I love being able to utilize difficult, technical andvanced techniques to apply good sheild pressure in Melee.

Katatoniapeth: Sweet. For my final question, what do you think can be done to get people to understand modern mulitplayer tetris, to get it to become mainstream like LOL or WoW?

The Ultimate Spicy: Well, we probably need more players for one. Unfortunately, Tetris doesn't come off as an incredibly in depth game, despite the fact that it obviously is, in ways I haven't even begun to understand yet. I'm not really sure actually.

Katatoniapeth: Ahh, I hear ya, we will figure it out, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, and good luck in your future endeavors!

The Ultimate Spicy: Thank you! Good luck to you as well!



The New Tetris as it is (it's a very cool game indeed). Who wants to try a version of it - NullpoMino -> Square -> Square rule.

As always, good job on this interview!


Quote from: Extruderx

The New Tetris as it is (it's a very cool game indeed). Who wants to try a version of it - NullpoMino -> Square -> Square rule.

As always, good job on this interview!


Yeah that looks interesting I am gonna try that out later!


I haven't said this for past interviews, but GJ both to Kat and Spicy! It's fun to hear people's backstories, as well as perhaps glean some knowledge from their perspective on the game.


Quote from: Katatoniopeth
Caught my eye as I was glancing through. Spellcheck sir, you're losing legitimacy.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I am on the search for The Ultimate Spicy. My tummy's rumbling.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Quote from: larrytetris
Caught my eye as I was glancing through. Spellcheck sir, you're losing legitimacy.

Fixed. Can you please just try to enjoy the interview Mr.Stanford?

Edit: I appreciate you pointing out my mistakes, but you have me on Skype, I feel like that would have been a more appropriate place to let me know.

Quote from: VladtheImpala
I haven't said this for past interviews, but GJ both to Kat and Spicy! It's fun to hear people's backstories, as well as perhaps glean some knowledge from their perspective on the game.

Thanks man, there will be more to come!
