Introduction to テトリスDS「生王」決定戦

Started by djackallstar, December 18, 2013, 08:34:12 PM

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テトリスDS「生王」決定戦 is a weekly Japanese tetris tournament that begins at JST 21:00 on Saturdays.
As the name of the tournament indicates, participants fight against each other on Tetris DS,
and the winner earns the title 生王 (Nama ō).
It is a single-elimination tournament, where each match is first to three, win by one.
At the time of writing, the tournament has already been hosted 172 times.
The tournament always gets live streamed, usually in the Niconico community owned by a Japanese player named こばや, aka TJM (*1);
however, the host(s) of each live stream may differ.

Here are some of the hosts and their Niconico communities: (*2)

As for the regular participants, many of them are quite seasoned and regarded as top Japanese players.
To name a few: (random order)
かんけり, こばや, サマフ(samaf), しょうたん, hebo_MAI, つるぎのまい, popoi, アイツ(aitsu_k), 抹茶バー(mattyabar), HAHAHA, ...

The winner earns the general title "生王", and a more specific and unique title, which is usually quite interesting and ridiculously long.
Take サマフ(samaf) as an example, he has earned the following titles: (*3)
1. アンリミテッドダークナマオウ
2. ネオアンリミテッドダークナマオウ
3. 真・三国生王
4. ダークライトミママフ生王
5. 三界伏魔大帝神威遠震天尊関聖帝君(さんかいふくまたいていしんいえんしんてんそんかんせいていくん)
6. サウスオーシャンズブルーナマオウ

And, the current leaderboard of this tournament: (*3)
1. The number of times to get crowned
  サマフ(samaf) 67
  かんけり 27
  hebo_MAI 16
  こばや 13
  しょうたん 8
2. The number of times to get crowned consecutively (at least three times)
  サマフ(samaf) 12
  かんけり 5
  こばや 3
  hebo_MAI 3
3. The number of times to get crowned without losing a single round
  サマフ(samaf) 8
  こばや 2
  かんけり 2
  hebo_MAI 2
  つるぎのまい 1
  しょうたん 1

For those who want to join the tournament, try contact the host(s) beforehand,
or ask the the host(s) when are live streaming a preparation waku before the tournament waku.



weekly tournament?
That's pretty cool how active the Japanese community is

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


This is awesome! I've been querying about Japanese tetris community, so it's nice to have this info.

Could you please post links to the streams here and/or on shoutbox when you can?


Quote from: eevor
This is awesome! I've been querying about Japanese tetris community, so it's nice to have this info.

Could you please post links to the streams here and/or on shoutbox when you can?

It's usually at

Just remember to tune in at JST 21:00 on Saturdays.


Woah, this is still going? I remember competing in a few of these (or a similar earlier version) like... 6 years ago now? Back when mask/T was running stuff, Tetris Ivory Tower still existed, and players like NOAH and TGM-HOLiC/Jin8 (as well as ones like samaf) were knocking around.

I had no idea Tetris DS's wifi play was even still being supported - I'd have figured Nintendo would have dropped the servers by now.