Zeromeaner: Browser-Playable Nullpomino Fork

Started by esialb, November 25, 2012, 08:51:08 PM

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So, everyone, I'm annoyed by the lack of a nullpo release for almost 2 years.  I'm forking the project.  I'll be making internal improvements as I go, and I hope to have a version playable in a web browser soon.

The name for the fork is "zeromeaner", and its (currently bare) website is at .  I've got a git repo on that server right now, but am in the process of uploading the project to  The project repo is now hosted on github: .

I haven't made a release yet, so no, you can't play it.  The game is currently playable in your web browser!  Right now, it's almost exactly the same as nullpo, except the internals have been restructured.  For those with a programming background, I've converted it to a maven project, and changed the package names to org.zeromeaner for the core classes and org.zeromeaner.contrib for all the miscellaneous things that were in there for whatever reason.

If you have nullpo mods, I sincerely invite you to tell me!  Maybe I can get them in.  First mod I'm putting in is, of course, my own eviline mod.

Expect a release within a month. Looks like it'll be more like a week.


Hahaha, yes yes yes!  <-- nullpo in a web browser!

Now the fun can really begin.


FML u are a boss

Put me on the dev team plz?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
FML u are a boss
Put me on the dev team plz?
Tentatively, here's how:

If you follow the gitup link on the zeromeaner site ( ) you can set up an account and clone the repo, submit pull requests, etc.  I'm not comfortable giving full access to other developers quite yet; things are still in a huge state of flux, but you can clone it on github and keep up-to-date with mine as I go.  If you have patches to submit then you can submit a pull request so I can review them and (probably) include them in the mainline.

Oh, and a status update: Just finished a massive rebranding.  All the "nullpomino" (case insensitive) strings are now "zeromeaner".  May as well cut the cord ASAP.


Netplay works.  I've got a server running right now.


Can this topic be renamed to "Zeromeaner: Browser-Playable Nullpomino Fork" please?
Thanks muchly!


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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: esialb
Netplay works.  I've got a server running right now.

Netplay actually works now.  Not just connecting, but actually playing the game.  Hoorah!


I've had the Slick version running in the browser too in fact as a prototype. I'll pm you.


Okay, my eviline mod has been incorporated, and you can now play both single and multiplayer eviline.  Woot!


Hey everyone, I've set up an issue tracker for Zeromeaner.  If you have any kind of issue, bug, feedback, feature request, etc., please please please create an issue in the tracker.

I'll toss in anything I can think of too.


From the shoutbox...

esialb Kickass.
esialb will launch the zeromeaner netplay automatically. will launch netplay and join the game XYZ, or start creating a new room XYZ if it doesn't exist.
esialb So, you can just link someone something like .
esialb I'll add a button to copy a link to your current room to the clipboard later today perhaps.

So basically, your friends don't have to figure out zeromeaner's UI to get onto netplay with you.  Just send them a link in the above format and the applet will automatically join the netplay game.  You can bookmark the link too, so that it's easy to recreate a room.


For some reason, on Google Chrome (on Windows 7), when I try to use it, it can accept my mouse press inputs, but not my key press inputs. So on the screen where I put "Enter Config ID", I can't type anything.

I tried it on Internet Explorer and it worked though. I haven't tested Firefox because I don't have it.
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Hey esialb, for some reason it won't load past the "Launching zeromeaner" phase for me. I'm on Google Chrome, Windows 7 64-bit. Not sure what could be the problem, or what kind of information you might need to figure out what's wrong, so send me a PM for any details I could possibly provide you?
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s