How important are the controls? Is it time to switch mine or should I wait?

Started by Estrelleta, September 09, 2013, 05:08:05 PM

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So in the past week I've been playing 40L again and trying to get my sub 30. My layout used to be comfortable but now that I've gotten faster it feels awkward for some moves and I think that might be slowing me down.

I'm the fastest I've ever been and some of my most recent times are technically fast enough for sub 30. My personal record is 30.30 from last April but this past week I've gotten several 30.xx, the best one being 30.38. I'm wondering if I should stick it out and get my sub30 (is it even reasonable to expect it soon or are people often stuck at 30.xx for weeks or months??) or if it's advisable to just switch around to a different layout already (since the current one makes my hands start to hurt after a little while and my wrists get stiff), and if so, what are some suggestions for a comfortable one?



If it's not comfortable anymore, change it. It will be even harder to change if  you keep postponing it.

As for the time it should take to get 0.31 seconds faster, it really depends. Seeing how fast you progressed up to this point can give you a nice estimate. But yes, there are people that get stuck for quite a while.

As for the layout you should use, just try and see what makes you comfortable. I recomend trying not to use your pinky finger.

What layout do you currently use?


If you can do 30.38 with it you can probably go sub-30. If I were you I'd get the milestone over with and then change to try for sub-25. That way you can do it with a wider goal of perfect finesse...or so I told myself 3 years ago
               Tetris Belts!



Depends what your setup is like now.  I use 6 fingers (3 on each hand) and I think it's okay b/c soft drop isn't used too often.  Anything less seems like I'm wasting a finger and not using my full potential.  I changed my setup from using 5 fingers to 6 about 2 years ago, took about 2 weeks to get used to.  Totally worth it imo


My setup is incredibly dumb and prevents me from doing some complex moves, but I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to change it. I've been doing it this way for too long.



It so happens I already have perfect finesse Paul  My 30.38 has 0 finesse faults, same as nearly every 40L I do. My record 30.30 probably does too but I didn't do it in the mode that tells you the number of faults.

Thanks for the replies everyone, I think I'll just wait until I get sub 30 to switch.


Hey Estrelleta, I'm at 30.08 so I'm right beside you. I've considered changing my keymap, but I'm not going to invest in reformatting my entire muscle memory for some milliseconds. I've messed around with some other configs, but I won't give a serious effort until my Sprint's ten's digit is a 2.
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s