Vote for POTM Oct. 2012

Started by ohitsstef, October 31, 2012, 05:05:48 PM

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Who deserves POTM?

1 (1.7%)
0 (0%)
26 (44.8%)
3 (5.2%)
2 (3.4%)
2 (3.4%)
1 (1.7%)
1 (1.7%)
22 (37.9%)

Total Members Voted: 58


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Long time no see, HD users! :3
Procedure goes as usual, vote for the user you think most deserves POTM.
Voting will end Friday November 2, 2012 at 8pm PST.
So vote vote vote and good luck, my dears!

Sudden Ti : 887-1076

40L - 30.21 - 29.5

NES Tetris Maxout

40L - 30.55 - 28.71

Ultra Rank on leaderboard - #77-#15 58550 (Oct. 1st) -> 68240 (Oct 21st)

Dig Challenge 3:58-4:02
40L - 29.92-29.38

40L - 47 - 38

Cleared 12 Lines in Hell Tetris

created the NullpoMino League, tracking more then 500 players, >2500sprints and >2500 games now
released most of my mods in v0.5, like finesse coach, sprint coach, fumen exports, reporting
hosting the NullpoMino Opening Tournament series from this month
20L 20.81 -17.6
40L - 42.78-41.016[/div]

** When posting in the POTM Achievements thread please post up your previous and current scores
*** Submissions for every month will be cut 2-3 days before the month ends
**** You can only win POTM once a year, as to give other users the opportunity to hold POTM. Users who've already won POTM once that year will not be included in POTM polls till the next year.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.



I'd like to apologize to the mass of followers (nobody) closely watching my Texmaster progress for being unable to reach an improvement of 200 in Sudden Ti in one month.
In ARS we trust.



Nothing against all the other accomplishments this month, but I GOTTA give this one to Ben.  He's been working towards this one for months (years even?), and he finally joined the ranks of only a VERY small number of people worldwide who have done the NES Tetris Maxout!


belze, you did make one of the biggest advancements in tetris in recent history(imo) but im giving this to a maxout. kinda for the same reason as shuey

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Belze had tons of work with new nullpo and its really awesome. He invested lots of time for tetrsis players with creating something like cool nullpo social network. I think he should win this ^^


bub can have it next month when he's actually sub 40  


Just realized I left billtsar out  
Sorry billtsar,... I'll add you in for next month's POTM, I just got home and the polls have been up for a whole day now =/

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


~ bout 3 more hours left to vote

this is practice for the the younger users who haven't turned 18 yet..
ya knooww wut i'm sayinn (vote if you're 18+ and you haven't yet.. cause it's early voting~~~)


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I vote for belzbub, he is a pro and a hard worker, and takes the time to be there to help when he can..  


Voting is closed - the results will be pasted below

Confugal    [ 1 ]    [1.72%]
FieryLight    [ 0 ]    [0.00%]
benmullen    [ 26 ]    [44.83%]
NoManual    [ 3 ]    [5.17%]
dhuang413    [ 2 ]    [3.45%]
MarioThePhenom    [ 2 ]    [3.45%]
SecretSalander    [ 1 ]    [1.72%]
PolarisTR    [ 1 ]    [1.72%]
belzbub    [ 22 ]    [37.93%]

congrats to benmullen on winning POTM!! =]

We do not forgive. We do not forget.