I need help

Started by Katatoniopeth, September 07, 2012, 05:24:39 PM

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There are one or two instances of non-ideal piece placement in your video (L-piece at 0:50, or thereabouts) that make it harder to maintain a flat stack; try to review your play to avoid them in the future. More generally though, I would recommend learning to rotate both ways, as it will definitely speed up your playing once you're used to it. Also, if you softdrop a piece, you can press the harddrop key once it's in place in order to get it to lock faster.

Either way, you generally do a good job in stacking, and your basic knowledge in combos and stacking up for tetrises seems solid. Now it's just about practising 40L Sprints and downstacking, and you'll see some remarkable improvements.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Yeah I definitely made a few misdrops that caused a break in my back to back bonus. Rotation of both directions is something I really wanna work on, mainly when I am practicing so I can get use to it, definitely a good suggestion. Thanks for the advice and the compliments, 40 lines mode here I come!

I just played a few games, and harddropping the T in definitely speeds things up. This is probably a hard question to answer, but I am having a difficult time judging when it is a good time to setup a tsd. Sometimes I need a line piece and a t piece in order to make it happen, so should I just avoid doing one when that happens?


Quote from: Katatoniopeth
I just played a few games, and harddropping the T in definitely speeds things up. This is probably a hard question to answer, but I am having a difficult time judging when it is a good time to setup a tsd. Sometimes I need a line piece and a t piece in order to make it happen, so should I just avoid doing one when that happens?
my answer to that is when youre at a comfortable height in your matrix, for me, as long as im about 13 rows or less, ill do a tspin regardless of my piece line up, but that could be just cause i play fast enough to get what i want

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Yeah makes sense. I think I just need to work on piece placement a little better so it doesn't become such an issue. A lot of the times I will have a tsd set up then I come across a situation where I have to use my T piece to cover a hole.


Quote from: Katatoniopeth
Yeah makes sense. I think I just need to work on piece placement a little better so it doesn't become such an issue. A lot of the times I will have a tsd set up then I come across a situation where I have to use my T piece to cover a hole.
its okay to not get the tsd if all you can make is a tss, am i right guys?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
its okay to not get the tsd if all you can make is a tss, am i right guys?
I think your first priority is to keep a stable field. Sometimes a TSD is only possible at the cost of messing up your field. Even if that in itself doesn't kill you, it may cause you to use up a lot of pieces by way of the wasteful singles and doubles needed to clean it up. In those cases, you may actually send more lines per piece by not doing that first TSD.

It's a judgement call. Look at the next pieces and the state of the field. If I don't feel confident in how a TSD will wind up, I'll usually put it off until I do feel confident.


Yeah I think I am gonna go with that. Sometimes tss's work out good and don't mess things up, sometimes they do. Just out humorous curiousity, is there any Tetris clones that have an enlarged T piece that would allow you to set up a T spin Tetris? haha I just really wanna see one


Brilliant idea.



lololol that's awesome

I wonder how many lines that would get you, for your first and then your btb hahah thanks for posting Caffeine that made my day