Nullpomino question

Started by artless, September 08, 2012, 10:40:03 PM

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I've searched endlessly on this matter, but I can't seem to find an answer (likely due to how difficult it is to articulate this problem concisely).

In Nullpomino, if I DAS to the side of the playing field and hard drop my piece, I often find that my next piece will simply spawn at the same edge. This is likely because I am pressing the drop key before I release the left/right movement key, and so the DAS carries over to the next piece. I can try to avoid the problem by making sure I release the left/right movement key before I drop, but I find this difficult to do when I'm trying to play quickly.

Is there a way to make it so dropping a piece resets the DAS? I'd like to be able to DAS and drop a piece without having my next piece immediately be DAS'd to the wall.



options -> game tuning -> diagonal move. Not sure if thats the answer to your problem but try it
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Another way is this:
open ruleditor.bat -> open StandardZero (or which rule you use else) -> go to "Move" tab -> check Prevent DAS movement until drop key is lifted -> Save

But the next piece will still move, when you release shift key (left/right) after drop key.


If you want to leave the option of whether to DAS a piece with heldover charge or not, use Integration's suggestion. With default settings, the input decision is whether or not to release the direction before pressing drop. The "shiftlock" option "rephrases" that question to whether or not you should release the direction before releasing drop -- a reordering of which finger needs to come up first if you don't want to send the piece to the wall on the same charge.

As Lucho suggested, switching diagonal move off will ensure that DAS is reset before a piece is dropped. However, it does so by enforcing a "4-way" interpretation of the directional keys -- only one of left, right, down (soft drop), or up (hard drop) can be active at any given time. Some games achieve this by only using the direction most recently pressed, but (if I recall correctly) Nullpomino gives horizontal inputs priority over vertical ones; if both are held simultaneously, the drop input won't take effect until the horizontal input is released.

At any rate, disabling Diagonal Move will also protect against accidentally DASing new pieces, but the strict enforcement means that you no longer have the option to holdover DAS if you did in fact want to send multiple pieces in the same direction -- a handy time-saving trick. For this reason, I'd recommend keeping Diagonal Move and perhaps enabling the rule option Integration suggested if it makes things more comfortable.

Also, although not directly related to the proposed issue, it might be worth evaluating your current DAS settings. Sometimes these sort of issues can crop up because a player has things set up a hair too fast when they'd be able to more accurately perform at the same overall speed by reining their DAS in by a frame or two.
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Thank you all for your swift and informative replies! I did not expect to get such thorough answers overnight.

Disabling diagonal movement certainly fixed my problem, but I am curious to try out the method Integration suggested, as it seems it would afford me more versatility. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find ruleditor.bat.

I neglected to mention that I am running NullpoMino on a Mac. I downloaded the client on my PC and the file seems to be there. Is ruleditor simply non-existent for the mac client?


*.bat are Windows executables. In this case, it opens ruleeditor in java. I have no Mac, so I can't help you to oopen it. But there should be another way. Go to the folder NullpoMino/config/rule and open StandardZero.rul with some text editor. Find the line 0.ruleopt.shiftLockEnable=false and change it to 0.ruleopt.shiftLockEnable=true. Don't forget to save the file.


There is also a Mac/Linux script file in that folder to launch the Rule Editor -- I think it's just named ruleeditor. You might have to use the shell and set it executable first. There is a mini guide for doing Unix-y things to those files here
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