Should the finals for Mega Mega Mega be changed to Nullpomino Blockbox?

Started by Katatoniopeth, January 08, 2014, 04:59:12 PM

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Just seeing what you guys think, please don't vote if you aren't in the tournament. I didn't want to make a poll for that reason, so Just post yes or no, please and thank you!


Ok sweet. Poll ends tomorrow night, I am pretty sure that everyone feels the same way, plus I wanna stream the finals, it is no fun if I can't do that


A week or so ago, I decompiled Omino and looked at its source code to see how it works.  It uses the exact same piece sequence every time, so if you memorize the best way to stack that particular sequence of pentominoes and hexominoes, the game becomes trivially easy.  Not that learning the sequence would be easy or anything, but you could easily have the entire piece sequence listed in a Notepad document to the right of the game, giving you previews of all pieces.


Quote from: morningpee
A week or so ago, I decompiled Omino and looked at its source code to see how it works.  It uses the exact same piece sequence every time, so if you memorize the best way to stack that particular sequence of pentominoes and hexominoes, the game becomes trivially easy.  Not that learning the sequence would be easy or anything, but you could easily have the entire piece sequence listed in a Notepad document to the right of the game, giving you previews of all pieces.

Very interesting, your knowledge of programming is never disappointing, that gives me more reason to change the finals to bb. Thanks for looking into it, there is a 99.9 percent chance it is being changed now, unless I get an overwhelming number of responses wanting the finals to be on omino.


Retarded question incoming: What is blockbox ? Another version of nullpo ?


Definitely. 0mino is not that good of an option for a tourney finals, it's not that interesting watching people play single player


Quote from: dotamistern
Retarded question incoming: What is blockbox ? Another version of nullpo ?

Blockbox is a Tetris variant that happens to be on Nullpomino, where you only get rewards for doubles, triples, and Tetrises. All the garbage you get it one holed garbage distributed between each row. It is hardcore, old school, but still features SRS gameplay (meaning you can do spins and stuff, just no rewards for it).


Does it reward combos? If it does, then it's like this game was made for me. haha


No, it doesn't.
Original Blockbox game:
However, you won't find anyone to play except if you write in HD shoutbox.


I also think Nullpo-blockbox mode is a more appropriate finale.


blockbox it is, I know a lot of people complained about o-mino, and plus I agree with it being more fitting, your voices have been heard!

