Tournament “checklist”

Started by t0x, April 30, 2012, 04:31:55 AM

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Aka things I "found out" when organising a couple of them.

To make it easier for newer players or players who ve never made a tourney so far, I decided to set up a little list with things that should be thought through when making one.

Note: those things are sometimes/mostly about Cultris, I dont have any experience with tourneys on other tetris clones. And yep, i even wrote down the most obvious things, as i sort of want a complete list.

1.   What game style will it be? 1on1? Countries? Teams?

2.   What game mode will it be? Single-elimination? Double-elimination? Round robin? Ffa?...

3.   How many games to play? (e.g. up to 11 wins?)

4.   What is the minimum amount of joining players that makes you starting one?

5.   How can players report their scores?

6.   How long will it last? How many rounds?

7.   How can you make players to play their games? Deadlines?

8.   If you make a double-elimination tournament, do u need deadlines for the loser-bracket?

9.   How will you make the bracket?

10.   How long do players have time to join?

11.   How can players find each other? Is email enough?

12.   What are the requirements to join?
a.   Registered account?
b.   Minimum number of games played?
c.   Seeded players? ( to prevent good players meeting each other early in the tournament)
d.   Is the tournament only for good/average/bad players?

13.   Exact rules
a.   What happens if you play to 11 wins, and the score is 10-10?
b.   What happens if someone cant find another player?
c.   Recording games?
d.   Warm-up games allowed?
e.   What happens if two players contacted each other but they cant find the right time to play the game?
f.   What if a player joins but never makes an attend to play or contact someone? -> consequences?
g.   What happens if a player disconnects during the game?
h.   Talking/chatting/cheering allowed during the games?

14.   Are you organising it all alone? Don't underestimate the work!

15.   Are you online often enough? (once a week is noooot enough obviously)

16.   How can you get players to join it? Advertising? Forum? Ingame?

17.   What are the prizes? Are there prizes?

18.    deadline to sign up for the tournament?

19.    what information to give at sign up?

I will probably update this list from time to time.
Anything I have been missing? Suggestions and help welcome.



add in - deadline to sign up for the tournament and what information to give at sign up - ex contact/high scores

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: t0x

6.   How long will it last? How many rounds?

7.   How can you make players to play their games? Deadlines?

Im not a fan of drawn out tournaments such as the current ongoing spring tournament. The only upside is that it allows people of different time zones to work out a time to compete.

I feel that tetris tournaments should be quick, and multiple of them. Myself for one has trouble meeting with my opponent, and after a month for 2 rounds ive simply lost interest in playing cultris largely due to more important things taking up my time.

What i recommend is simply not having tournaments that last over a month. matches are quick, the tournaments should be quick and perhaps done in 1 day. I bet the entire spring tournament could have been finished in around 2 hours, more or less.

My recommendation for anyone developing a client would be to implement 3 daily tournaments built into the system. earn rating towards a monthly tournament for the glory. It doesnt even need to be built in, it can be done using google docs, challonge, w.e.
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you forgot the biggest upside: everyone can participate.. it wouldnt be an official tournament with official prizes from the developer if it was just 2 hours on one day. its impossible to find a time where all those >50 participants could ve been online. impossible.
lets just say its a 1on1 tourney and its on sunday afternoon, and blink is missing cause he has no time. it wouldnt be a very honorfull win when he s missing, right?

everyone should have the chance to join and play.

i agree that it lasts very long, but thats just the fairest way

" I bet the entire spring tournament could have been finished in around 2 hours, more or less." considering that the average 1on1 takes around 20-30 minutes, i wont comment this any further.. no point in that.

"Myself for one has trouble meeting with my opponent, and after a month for 2 rounds ive simply lost interest in playing cultris largely due to more important things taking up my time." you didnt even try to contact your opponent on c2.


I think, Beastin_Shen just wanted to point out, that 1 hours tourneys can be fun, too.

I also suggested to automate this for Cultris. When you play every 5th tourney, the results still show their significance. But who should implement this? TTC gives a sh** on competitive Tetris.

NullpoMino League is an example, where people tried to do it manually. But so much work for around 8 participants and hosts can't join the game.



i doubt that automated-tournaments will ever be implemented somewhere thought.

anyway, lets keep this thread on topic!


Quote from: t0x

i doubt that automated-tournaments will ever be implemented somewhere thought.

anyway, lets keep this thread on topic!

shizi had an automated tournament on nullpomino a few months ago

well sorta automated

this tournament took a few hours to finish, but there were only a few spots open.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


nullpomino league is kinda like a 1 hr's also weekly?
we used to have couple-of-hour-tourneys on tnet back in the day..n oddly enough, most ppl would show up :o
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


So basically Shizi ran a one-off NullpoMino weekly?


doublepost X(
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Quote from: t0x

you forgot the biggest upside: everyone can participate.. it wouldnt be an official tournament with official prizes from the developer if it was just 2 hours on one day. its impossible to find a time where all those >50 participants could ve been online. impossible.
lets just say its a 1on1 tourney and its on sunday afternoon, and blink is missing cause he has no time. it wouldnt be a very honorfull win when he s missing, right?

everyone should have the chance to join and play.

i agree that it lasts very long, but thats just the fairest way

" I bet the entire spring tournament could have been finished in around 2 hours, more or less." considering that the average 1on1 takes around 20-30 minutes, i wont comment this any further.. no point in that.

"Myself for one has trouble meeting with my opponent, and after a month for 2 rounds ive simply lost interest in playing cultris largely due to more important things taking up my time." you didnt even try to contact your opponent on c2.

Everyone can still participate using a daily system! In fact there would probably be more participation, and more tournaments.

When i think automated tournaments i refer to guildwars implementation, which had 3 dailies where you could earn up to 8 qualify points, 1st-8th, 8 for 1st, 1 for 8th. The monthly required 20 QP and was finished in 1 day, although if you really are worried no one can make the final go, then you could extend the big dog tournament over a few days/weekend. The game spanned euro, american, and asian players, it seemed to work just fine. Loved the system.

Automated Tourney Wiki

I do realize tetris has a much smaller population so you do want to have all of its active players involved, and current system does work well, although i believe it could be play out better. Also given its small population, it might not play out as well as guild wars. Personally its WAY too slow for me as an avid tetris player, and i bet newcomers would be even less satisfied just to play 2 matches over a month and get beat by blinkasaurus rex. I feel like a client would benefit highly from ATs.

Ive contacted both of my opponents through email , the first one obviously replied to me way too late. pain in buttocks

A tourney that spans over a month for a game that last ~10 minutes isnt my cup of tea.

I think this is on topic, if not ill take it elsewhere (ill probably bump that gewaltig thread)
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