S13 baby!

Started by Altim, January 10, 2012, 09:41:00 PM

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Congratulations. After four years of cheating, ban evasion, and overall being a douche, you still continue to come back and annoy us. I along with Kevin hope you get K-lined from QuakeNet and never bother us again.



As I said, host a damn Florida meetup. If you find that I bother you, you could just screw off to some channel besides #kos. Noone's forcing you to be there.


Quote from: Altim

As I said, host a damn Florida meetup. If you find that I bother you, you could just screw off to some channel besides #kos. Noone's forcing you to be there.
live record it.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


He's gonna drag us to Florida just so we can watch him play his modified version of the game.

Sorry ghett0, a single doesn't advance the level by 10...


No I just want to drag you to Florida so I can rape you


Is this what we want new people to see when they join?

I dont know if Altim is cheating or not haven't had any proof of him doing anything actually besides posting every now and again and causing discussions but for new people it might seem like we are all mean and rude to a new guy so they might not dare to join and post about what they have done.
If somebody could explain it so that everybody understands why you guys are behaving the way you do that would be good. Or just make this thread go away and let altim come back when he has a legit video of him doing whatever he claims?

Quote from: Altim
No I just want to drag you to Florida so I can rape you
Not ok..


Alexsweden, he's been around on TC since 2008, known for cheating, TASing, and general douchery. He is in no way 'new' to the community.


Which you can't tell from the account he's using. I believe that was the point being made there.

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.


He's using this account because his otherS[/i][/u] are banned.


Quote from: Alexsweden
Is this what we want new people to see when they join?

No, but if the thread stays here blame the staff for doing little to control and/or remove this sort of thing, rather than the community for responding the way they do.

Any sort of "if everyone ignores the troll they'll go away" suggestion is stupid, because mass-ignoring never happens, and it's doubtful if it'd actually work if it did, and if you think people are going to someone with his sort of track-record a pat on the back for claiming to do something good then you're being even more naive. And regardless of confirmation of cheating or not, he's still obnoxious and annoying as F***, and his illegitimate records aren't even close to being the main reason I wouldn't want him on this forum.

Maybe it would be nice to have some context for newbies, but I think it's pretty obvious even without explanation that this guy is clearly not new to the community, and is not just some innocent new member being crucified on the forum.


i clearly have no idea on who this "altim" guy is, but isnt kevinDDR the only one to achieve s13 outside of japan?

and is it just me or does he sound like another carcajou?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


KevinDDR only has S13 on Tex, he doesn't like playing 1200-1300 so he just stopped Shirase when he beat it on Texmaster. But the trick to 1200-1300 is when you enter 1200, you gotta BELIEVE you're going to see the credits rolling soon. I just went into 1200 and manlocked like a champ.


*Member Altim deleted and IP banned for bypassing a previous ban.  Thread is closed.*