From the maker of "Tetris Erotica", comes "Tetris Rap"

Started by Panda, August 28, 2012, 06:57:07 PM

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After necro-viewing this post, I was not only touched by T-Block's poem but was inspired to write my own artistic tribute to Tetris as well, this time in the form of a rap. Granted, this is a fairly new genre for me and I can't promise I'll succeed here as much as my previous genre, but classes start tomorrow and I figured I might as well churn something out before my long period of semi-inactivity.  

Without further ado, I now present to you my very first attempt at Tetris rap. Enjoy.  

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]_________________________________________________________[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]AYO FINALLY, is dis whatchu been waiting for?  

One wide, two wide, three wide to da fo'uh?  

Better put on Shield and Tetris Friends Armor

Cuz we don't just harddrop ninja, ninja we HARDCORE.  

When I walk in da room, all da girls be on me

All the girls get on me, like Taeyeon, Tiff and Taeny  

Yeah I can't stop misdroppin cuz Miss u drop dead gorgeous  

But now I stop misdroppin cuz baby, u is flawless.  


Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

To challenge me Sir Panda, you ain't got da nerve  

Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

Ya'll cats ready to order, cuz here comes the serve  


Stackin' so low, get down on da floor  

Make a perfect clear, sit down on da floor.

Tetris, Tetris, so many Tetris,  

Open wide Mrs. Debbie, take BTB like a wh*re.  

Legend says Blink stacked 4-wide and reached da 19th death-row  

He knocked out one, two, three people....and then began his combo.

I love you and you love Barney but wanna know something funny?  

All these cats be hypin' on Mai when JEIVUS RUNS DIS CITY.  


Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

To challenge me Sir Panda, you ain't got da nerve  

Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

And now ma boy Myndzi gonn' come in wit' da bridge -  


Hey hey! Wuz good, in the neighborhood?  

Don't mess wit' me, unless you wanna be Red Riding Hood! (She gets eaten alive yo)  

Wood, hood, so many things to rhyme with  

My favorite move in Tetris is a BTB TETRIS!  

Yo Panda no homo but I'm your biggest fan,  

Yo Panda no homo but hehe you da man ~  

Sorry for the ban, it's all part of the plan,  

Cuz, I......plan.......uh, LIEUTENANT DAN!!!


Iight, to be honest that was pretty much whack  

Even Holdnext got more sense and swagga-flow dat you lack  

Now I hate to be dippin' on roastin' these cats,  

But playtime's ovah my children, now it's time to drop facts -  

"I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence  

Fear is such a weak emotion that's why I despise it"  

All these men undah control, dun even realize it  

And those who do don't give a sh*t, too scared to real-ize it.  


Students should be chosen by ac'demics, nothing mo'  

If you think girls "dress for rape" then newsflash YOU the hoe.  

And if God blessed life to everyone and commanded "Love each other",  

then why the f*ck you homophobic, you tryna defy yo Father?  

I think the war on terror is more mainstreamed than Skrillex  

Just look at how we got this way, the bafoon from Dallas  

List don't stop, men in shock, absorbed by prop'ganda  

But if you seek the truth I'll let you in, the mind of Sir Panda.  


Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

To challenge me Sir Panda, you ain't got da nerve  

Tetris, swerve, T-Spin, swerve  

Ya'll cats ready to order, cuz here comes the serve.   [/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]_________________________________________________________[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]And yeah that’s all I gotta say yo. NoVA-side, peace out doggies.  


P.S. If you are interested in my previous work, "Tetris Erotica", shoot me a PM and I'll send you some off-the-chain HD wallpapers, yo. And by the way, I'm actually very serious about these issues, particularly affirmative action and homosexuality. PM me as well if you have any counter-arguments or just wanna share your thoughts.  

- Dedicated to Xeno, Steph, and the tall + handsome Profane. Callin' you out on a rap battle, sahn.  


Sorry, I'll drop the awkward ebonics now. [/div]


[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]I Have Another Tetris Rap  [/div]  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hey yo![/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Epictetris is the name![/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Can you play tetris?[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]There are some t-spins[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]4-wides & STs[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Who said so?[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Tetris is The Game for Everyone![/div]
Epictetris is now playing
Combat Tournament 6 Way Game
Combat Tournament Legends First 4 way Battle
Eat Bulaga Juan For All Jose is Doing Willie Revillame


i·dol·a·tryâ€, â€,[ahy-dol-uh-tree]
noun, plural i·dol·a·tries.
the religious worship of idols.
excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Corrosive
i·dol·a·tryâ€, â€,[ahy-dol-uh-tree]
noun, plural i·dol·a·tries.
the religious worship of idols.
excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc.

If anything, I am far far too modest in my tributes to Lord Jeivus.


dropping frames like these rhymes, i still get sub-30 times
noobs like 'why so much lines?' but i don't give 'em the time of day
'cause every tetris made is a tetris i've earned
you better leave the room because you're gonna get burned away

my stick is so long i'm making sextrises
don't wanna mess with this, they call me the exorcist
but ain't noone here who's gonna help you
check out your g-queue, g... now look back at me

i'm made of diamonds! i'm the matrix your matrix could look like
if you could manage to stack right rather than getting uptight and
panicking, crazy, d-don't be stacking so lazy
m-m-my memory's hazy, d-did you think you could phaze m-m-me--

hold on
i just
need to
take a

dammit, i gotta kill tasks, this lag makes me look like an ass
you know that you couldn't surpass me without my getting unlucky bags
i can't finish the match when obviously this patch is failing
to do what it says and constantly spiking me out with trash
you would otherwise not have managed to send at me
this is stupid i can't believe i gave so much rating away, goodbye!

...there's a spark in my eye
as i click disconnect i crack a beer and reflect
on just how easy it is, trolling these kids
i hum trololol under my breath and post the vids...


Oh hey noobs, my name is Steven,
If you've seen me play, my stack is even!
I am so pro with my DT Cannon,
No one can beat me, not even shannon!
I beat them rank 20s, so easily
When i want to spike, i make a tst,
I can send a tsd faster than hd blink
you think u can sub 40, i think you stink
i beat kennyboy 2, twice in a row
im now 2nd best in the world, blink wanna go
I can play on nullpomino and tetris friends
when i join a 6 player room the game just ends!


40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88