Advice on general improvement, if any.

Started by Jurgemaister, September 20, 2011, 08:03:50 AM

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Okay, i recorded one round of TF here, so you can see how I do. I'm not really that fast of a stacker, and I'm absolute crap at T-spins. My one strong point is that I almost never do misdrops, I guess..

So, here's the video. Never mind the start, I'm just messing about before the round actually starts:  
*The embed youtube didn't work when I posted it, so link it is

There are some things I could add. I know, I'll make a list! Lists always help:

- Normal stacking (one wide at either side):
That I can do

- Noobish combo-stacking with 2-wide at either side:
I can do that pretty well too

- T-spins:
I know how, I'm just crap at setting them up.

- Fancypancy t-spin setup, where I set myself up for two t-spins in a row:
Just like this one:
I actually know how to do those, and pretty well. I get two t-spins off without dying. My only problem is that I don't really have any good way of continuing when I've done those two. It's all a mess after that, heh.

Now that, I am crap at. I can't make any combos over 5, because I can't plan the pieces right, and i gets all messed up.

Okay, that's how it is. Any help, advice, comments and/or feedback would be grately appreiated



first learn the basics
forget the fancy sh** like tspins and 4wides, just work on placing pieces faster and accurately without screwing yourself over (such as having 2 holes both requiring sticks)
right now you're just too slow

also when you stack watch out for holes, try not to stack over them
at 1:55 you placed the L piece over a hole (notice how you have to clear 6 additional lines just to fix it)


There is a whole Strategy/Help-section here on the forums, which you should check out. Several of the pinned threads might be of your interest
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@1:20 You place the I in a really bad spot - It forces you to need another I piece.

@2:10 You are stacking too high again. You should have launched a tetris by now then cleared through your garbage.

@2:22 you place a T block where you wanted your orange to go. You are too high and should be frantically downstacking.

I'd start clearing through your garbage sooner!


Actually my example isn't that good because its STILL too late. Should be even earlier.

In General:

Forget about stacking that high at the beginning, this WONT be useful against higher level opponents.

You need to learn to spin both directions. Currently you rotate everything the same way and this results in you needing to rotate some pieces 3 times.

Concentrate on clean stacking and speed. There is no point learning anything else until you have the hang of playing quickly. Just build tetris and stay as low as possible until you are faster/higher ranked.

I'd say your main weaknesses are:

- Stacking too high
- Creating gaps only Is fit in when you need Is for clearing tetris


I don't really think giving specific advice for situations helps that much. From a beginning standpoint its best to just play a lot and practice stacking. You naturally learn to overcome the bad situations. Nothing is wrong with playing slow and stacking neatly. After a while you avoid bad situations without even thinking about it.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Learn tspins now, as long as they don't kill you. Even if you're not fast, they're a more effective garbage sender than tetrises.
               Tetris Belts!


Hi guys!

Sorry about the slow reply. Normally, a "sorry" like that, is continued with a "but", and then an excuse.. But I don't have any

Anyhow, I've taken the advice you've given me. Mainly not to try any fancy things, untill I can stack real quick, and not to stack so high. And it works! I'm close to rank 17 now, and actually winning a bit against these platinum-people. I can even manage a few semi-accidental t-spins now.

Thanks people!



Yeah my best advice is just to practice all around. I think you could really benefit from playing survival mode and trying to maximize your high score on that. You will get better at stacking and maybe learn some of the basic t-spin situations.

Another thing that I dont think anyone mentioned, is that you kept building up on top of pretty messy garbage. When you start playing better players you are going to want to keep your stack as low as possible. Sometimes this means forgoing setting up another tetris or 2 to play defensive and make sure you cleaned out all the garbage.

Good luck!