TGM tricks

Started by MarioThePhenom, September 17, 2011, 08:01:24 PM

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Ive been going at TGM for almost a month now( S5), and i was wondering if there's any secret to it, or if anyone has any words of advice, other then waching other pple play, because ive tried that, it really dosent help:P

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


S5, not bad.  It's mostly going to be high-gravity practice from here on out. is a good general guide to start with. We can work from there if you have any questions.

The trick to getting utility out of watching others play is to keep an active mindset. Ask yourself where you'd place each piece, and study placements where the video deviates from your expectations. Why might that be a better choice? In some cases, you may also need to identify whether it is a move you can integrate into your play style at your current level of skill or whether it is an advanced maneuver used in the interest of high-level scoring/time attack where a safer alternative exists. If you're not sure how they executed a particular move, go back and watch it step-by-step to see how they handle the piece.

If watching higher level players doesn't work as well for you, reviewing your own replays can still be of use. Revisiting a run without having to consider actually controlling the action can give you some extra thinking time to spot things you hadn't noticed during the performance itself. It can almost feel like you're watching yourself play in slow motion, haha.
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I suggest listening to Kitaru, he is a beast


after seeing the guide kitaru has, im not doubting hes a beast:P

and thanks for the link:) im gonna have to practice rotating over obstacles

and it says floor kick is impossible, but its feels like i do it sometimes with the I piece, is that some advance rotation thing i do without knowing or me going crazy?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


For the record, Kitaru didn't write that guide.

Given you're basically now just lacking 20G skills, I'd say that playing TAP's Death mode is going to be fairly good practice, as would be using the 20G code in TGM (or start at 500 if you're using Texmaster). They should give you something to aim for  and see improvement in while training 20G

Make sure you're rotating both ways, and that you're comfortable using IRS (initial rotate system), because they're the two things you absolutely need to have nailed down mechanics-wise to handle 20G.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
For the record, Kitaru didn't write that guide.

Given you're basically now just lacking 20G skills, I'd say that playing TAP's Death mode is going to be fairly good practice, as would be using the 20G code in TGM (or start at 500 if you're using Texmaster). They should give you something to aim for  and see improvement in while training 20G

Make sure you're rotating both ways, and that you're comfortable using IRS (initial rotate system), because they're the two things you absolutely need to have nailed down mechanics-wise to handle 20G.

IRS and double rotation, if i didint have those down i wouldnt even think about trying TGM:P

and i play it on texmaster, so ill do the level 500 thing, thanks for your advice, and who made the guide if not kitaru?

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenomand thanks for the link:) im gonna have to practice rotating over obstacles
No problem.  Feel free to post questions if you run into trouble.

Quote from: MarioThePhenomand it says floor kick is impossible, but its feels like i do it sometimes with the I piece, is that some advance rotation thing i do without knowing or me going crazy?
The I-piece only gets a floorkick in TGM3. Otherwise, you need to have at least two open spaces below the 3rd block of a horizontal I to rotate to the vertical state.

Quote from: MarioThePhenom...who made the guide if not kitaru?
The original guide was written by Japanese player J.O many years ago. In more recent history, Villadelfia decided to make an English translation/rewrite using Google Translate and occasional advice from other Western TGM players on how to rewrite certain passages.
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Quote from: Kitaru
No problem.  Feel free to post questions if you run into trouble.

The I-piece only gets a floorkick in TGM3. Otherwise, you need to have at least two open spaces below the 3rd block of a horizontal I to rotate to the vertical state.

will do:)

and thanks for the I piece info, i had no idea thats how it worked.......

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....