new to tetris

Started by qwerfsad, August 27, 2011, 07:43:46 PM

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so i was introduced to tetris (just casual, nothing serious) on facebook where i played tetris battle for fun with some of my friends. i'm around rank 25 right now on tetris battle on facebook just stacking with a space in the last column and just sticking the long piece in the end. anyways, i stumbled upon some videos on youtube of people using a really interesting style here

and i ended up making another account to try it out. so i was wondering if a lot of people use this t spin oriented build... it looked cool and i want to get good at it. is there a better way to go about doing it other than just playing games and practicing?

also, since i'm new, is there a place i should look to get me started with competitive tetris? the threads here seem rather complicated with a lot of vocabulary/abbreviations that i'm not really familiar with. and where do people usually play? i'm willing to spend time to learn and get good.



Hey, welcome to HD. Yeah, That's called zt stacking. That video helped me find some patterns you can use. But other than that, just a bunch of practice. ( I would recommend trying it on a one player game so you can mess up as much as you need to.) Even though I don't really like this version much anymore, arena is a great place to get better and up to the competitive level. Good luck


thanks for the quick response. is there a difference between battle2p and arena on tetris friends? and also i remember reading somewhere there are some limitations to the spinning of tetris pieces on facebook tetris. like u can only turn pieces clockwise or something so there are moves u can do in one tetris game where u can't do in facebook tetris. does this sort of thing exist?

oh, and is the "zt stacking" build common for competitive players?


No prob. Yeah, Tetris Battle is pretty different because of the bombs instead of holes you clear, making down-stacking a little weird. And also, for me atleast (I played Tetris battle when it was pretty new) Tetrisfriends seems to be a little more competitive and legitimate.

I'm not sure. You can rotate both ways in Tetris Battle... not quite sure what you mean.

Zt stacking was really common when I played Tetris Battle, but it's harder to use in Tetris friends because of the garbage system. I've only seen one person use it in higher levels, and that's just because he is very good at that setup.


In Battle 2P, you can get KO'd 3 (?) times before you lose the game. In Arena, you lose the game if you get KO'd once  Also, you're not playing replays in Arena, like you are in Battle 2P on Fb (unless you've invited a friend to play against, that is).

Like CaptainPaul said, you can rotate both ways in TB.. idk who told you that you can't lol.

And yeah, ZT-stacking in multiplayer is something you should avoid ^^

Welcome to HD~
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Ha, I would forget the two biggest differences.


It's mirrored ST stacking not ZT stacking .

It isn't used in high level competitive play. In live games when you receive lines (garbage) you have to react to it by clearing it. ST stacking is a static build and you eventually have to bail out of it to downstack (dig through garbage). Nicx is one person who successfully ST stacks in multiplayer. He bails out of it pretty quickly and he mostly uses it to give strong, early pressure or to keep up with players who do high apm moves in the start of games.
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I think this topic will be good for you to get started:
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: qwerfsad
is there a difference between battle2p and arena on tetris friends?

Arena is playing against real people in real time.
Battle2P is just against replays, not real people in real time.

In Arena, good people will downstack when you send a lot of lines, and will try to spike you when you are about to die. i.e. they react
You can also try to chat with them and they can (sometimes) respond.

In Battle 2P, the computer will continue stacking even if it is at the brink of death, it'll just play whatever the replay contains.

In real time, people just use a quick opener (if feasible), sometimes they don't, then just attack with realtime improvised tetrises and t-spins, then react to sent lines by downstacking.

This is an example of a good realtime game (NOT against a replay):