Stats feature idea: Percentage of T pieces spun

Started by Paul676, June 24, 2014, 08:16:29 PM

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I think a percentage of T pieces spun would be a very interesting stat for a game, especially on a user's profile as an all-time stat. I think it would reveal a lot about both their style and their skill.

What do you all think?
               Tetris Belts!


I would like to see a pie chart that depicts the percent of lines sent from Tetrises, T-Spins, Combos, and Doubles/Triples.

I would also like to see a a histogram that divides all the pieces you've dropped into 20 or so groups of time (500 ms, 550 ms, etc.). It would be neat to see the frequency distribution of how fast you place each piece.


also what percentage of your tetrises and t spins are b2b.


you mean if you play a 2minute game and 20 t pieces come out, and you spin 14of them, your stat would say 70% tspin kind of calculation?

that would actually be pretty neat. and if it calculated the avg of all the games to give a percentage.. whoa. that would be showing how good the player's preview skills and hmm ..


I fully support using sabermetric measures for Tetris.
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


               Tetris Belts!



my thought would be not. basically tspins which do anything, whether send lines or start b2b
               Tetris Belts!


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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


interesting idea do you what the creator of an application to make it or a download add on.  I could try programming it if you want"I geek over tetris statistics" me to yotipo.