Hello, new to forums...not to Tetris

Started by Not24653483361, August 07, 2011, 10:10:33 AM

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Hey Tetris fanatics, I had actually joined this forum a few months ago and never really came on, and never got active in the community. I want to change that so I started with an introduction! So I've been playing Tetris for 2 years on and off, on Tetris Friends. My account name on there is limitedfund, if you look me up on there and check out some of my replays, I wouldn't mind some feedback. If you want to play me in arena hit me up with a pm. My favorite thing to play right now is sprint and I just got a new pb of 1:16 today.


HELLO, fancy meeting you. i tried to find you but couldnt


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Quote from: freakwithfire55
HELLO, fancy meeting you. i tried to find you but couldnt
Oh fail...i spelled it wrong its limitedfund, guess i should edit the op


Your stacking is pretty good. A couple of times you could have made your life easier by swapping your held I piece in... Helps keep the stack flatter.

I suggest learning to rotate both ways. This will cut down on how many times you have to rotate the pieces. (Using both rotates you only ever need to rotate once or twice)..

Some people find it easier to have both rotate keys on one hand, the thinking here is that One hand does the movement (hard drop, soft drop, left, right) and the other hand does the rotating (left, right, holding). This works nicely because you will often rotate and move at the same time... which is an easier task to accomplish using buttons on separate hands.

Saying that, there are people with fast sprint times who only use one rotate button and have rotate on same hand as move. But this is an easy way to improve (and it won't take as long to get used to as you think!)

My keys are:
Left: Left
Right: Right
Harddrop: Up
Softdrop: Down
Rotate left: z
Rotate right: x
Hold: Shift/Spacebar


40L = 28.71
My Blog


Quote from: Ravendarksky
Your stacking is pretty good. A couple of times you could have made your life easier by swapping your held I piece in... Helps keep the stack flatter.

I suggest learning to rotate both ways. This will cut down on how many times you have to rotate the pieces. (Using both rotates you only ever need to rotate once or twice)..

Some people find it easier to have both rotate keys on one hand, the thinking here is that One hand does the movement (hard drop, soft drop, left, right) and the other hand does the rotating (left, right, holding). This works nicely because you will often rotate and move at the same time... which is an easier task to accomplish using buttons on separate hands.

Saying that, there are people with fast sprint times who only use one rotate button and have rotate on same hand as move. But this is an easy way to improve (and it won't take as long to get used to as you think!)

My keys are:
Left: Left
Right: Right
Harddrop: Up
Softdrop: Down
Rotate left: z
Rotate right: x
Hold: Shift/Spacebar
Thanks for the input I really do appreciate it. Actually today I was working on rotating both ways on Null, because the controls on TF just don't work for me unless I'm rotating one direction.


You can change the controls on TF to custom settings....

May I suggest changing the responsiveness of your Nullpomino settings to something more professional:
Options > game tuning >
min das: 8, (or 7 or 6)
max das: 8, (or 7 or 6)
das delay: 0

I would not have previously recommended going straight to a low DAS for people trying to improve, but I started my Girlfriend off playing tetris with these settings and it's taught her lots of good habits and will serve you well when you get a bit faster  It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is WELL worth it.

Having the DAS delay set to 0 means when you hold a direction the piece goes straight to the wall. This forces you to tap the direction keys to move things around (This is the very basics of piece finesse (making sure you can put each piece in each place as efficiently as possible).

It will force you to do things like this:
[fumen]110@neA3gbH3pb5ki7eDZapjAEirSASYlNEFbMmEBzkTAS?o78AYcTDEkoo2AsI/dEFr4AA5apRAFbWcEBJ98AQLOyDIP9?8AZAAAA5KPAAAAA[/fumen] As opposed to your alternative of tapping left four times.

Just post here if you have any questions


^Worth noting.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


:o see now this is stuff I'm still to learn!


Just changed the setting on TF...I didn't even notice the custom settings setting. Do you guys look ahead to see what piece comes next or not?


Quote from: Not24653483361
Just changed the setting on TF...I didn't even notice the custom settings setting. Do you guys look ahead to see what piece comes next or not?

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