Hello all

Started by mobuco, June 15, 2011, 08:17:54 AM

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Hi my name is Matt. I've been playing forever and finally decided to join. NES is basically all i play...doesn't get any better than that for me.


Hai, welcome to harddrop ^^ Hope you'll enjoy it here~
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No it does get better much than that, just give other tetris variants a chance!

Welcome  to HD mobuco!


i dunno...being able to hold pieces, see more of what's coming, and spinning/moving it once it reaches the bottom just doesn't do it for me. once i get the maxout on NES i will probably start playing other variations.


Quote from: mobuco
i dunno...being able to hold pieces, see more of what's coming, and spinning/moving it once it reaches the bottom just doesn't do it for me. once i get the maxout on NES i will probably start playing other variations.

How close are you? For me classic tetris games have been more about physical limitations than actual limitations imposed by the game. I am not capable of tapping fast enough that is required in some situations so that always held me back.


Matt Buco!

You should check out the Tetris Grand Master series -- it captures the classic spirit much better than most other modern single player games. Playing NES Level 19 reminds me a lot of the sort of restrictions you face when playing the higher speeds in TGM.

Quote from: EnFuego
How close are you? For me classic tetris games have been more about physical limitations than actual limitations imposed by the game. I am not capable of tapping fast enough that is required in some situations so that always held me back.
NES is not a tapping game unless you are Thor or Spectre. :v NES high speed is all about learning how to play the DAS -- it has a couple neat preservation tricks that you don't see in any other games. It may feel limiting compared to fast DAS games at first, but it really does give you all the tools you need to survive.
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Quote from: EnFuego
How close are you? For me classic tetris games have been more about physical limitations than actual limitations imposed by the game. I am not capable of tapping fast enough that is required in some situations so that always held me back.

one tetris away close...983,255 most recently (not on twingalaxies yet)