Tournament Idea

Started by CaptainPaul, July 20, 2011, 10:10:29 AM

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I haven't been around HD for long enough to know if this has been done before, but it never hurts to get people's thoughts. If enough people care, I'm considering making a competition spanning over several different games including TF, Nullpomino, Blockbox, and perhaps Cultris 2 and TOP.
    For example, a double elimination tournament where the first round is played on Tetris Friends, the second round is played on Blockbox, the third round is played on Nullpomino and so on. (probably decided randomly.) Of course the only problem is that each player would have to have every game... Anyway! Your thoughts? Suggestions? Criticism?

Edit: Probably should have said this earlier. If this is something you would like to participate in, just leave your name so I can get an idea of who would care.

Edit: At least I tried.


I like the idea of a multi-platform tournament, always did. I think you have a little work in terms of the tournament logistics, gotta think some things over.

So yes, I'm interested.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


its a good idea but many people devote themselves to only 1 or 2 games so making every round a different game lacks interest to people who ONLY play nullpo or people who ONLY play blockbox, you know what i mean?

but yeah i can do this even tho when i play too much of one game im a total flop at a different game
                          Z E N A S I S


I like the idea, but I think you should make it single elim, to really find the all-rounders. It sounds a lot of fun, but single elim might make it even more fun >;)
               Tetris Belts!


sounds interesting

although you want to make it "multiplatform" you could keep it on nullpomino and just use the rules for toj and bb

and cultris 2 is a completely different game.. iono.. lol.

i don't play tournaments anymore, but this sounds cool

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I'd do it.  

What you could do is set the tourny to mimic FWF's tournament where you randomly put people in divisions and you have to play the people in your division a few times.  I would say if you have Null, BB, and TF then you play everyone in your division of 4/5 once on each game.  use the point system and have 1 or two guys come out of the divisions for a final bracket to the finish.


I agree with Paul on Single Elimination, it would make the tourney less delayed. It being 3 rounds long already will cause it to get lengthy and might turn people off. And I would vote for NullpoMino, Tetris Friends, and Blockbox to be the three, Unless TOP becomes a more reliable game with fewer bugs.


Definitely an interesting idea, I'd be in.



i will be interested in this too, but i've never played blockbox...or i 've played it once maybe but don't know how to make the settings


Oh. this was so long ago I forgot it was my post. Yeah, I would agree that if this ends up happening It would be TF, Nullpo, and Blockbox; that seems to be what people are most familiar with. And I know it could probably be done with different nullpo settings instead of different platforms, but I feel like it would be less interesting and have a different feel than the real platform.
   Single or double elimination wouldn't really matter to me, so if people prefer one over the other, it's your call.
   Lastly, I posted this several weeks ago and now school has started, but if it settles down I would love to host one or play in one if any of you make it.


Sounds like it'd be easier to find the all-rounders if each match were 3 games.

I.e. A vs. B, best two of three out of TF, NP, and BB moves on.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.