
Started by Pheeb, July 19, 2011, 08:24:07 PM

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I play as Pheeb on Tetris Friends.  Pheeb is derived from the word feeble, which means a weak or half-hearted attempt.  When I chose that name I was actually not familiar with the ubiquitous term noob.  Pheeb has the obvious similarity to the female name Phoebe, but I am a dude.  

I Started playing tetris on Nintendo/Gameboy in the '80s.  Played like 2 hours a day. Got really good.  Tried to compete with other people, but I just beat everybody.  Nobody I knew was as into it as I was, so it was just like a personal hobby.

I still have my Nintendo (for 25 years), with Tetris, still loaded into it.  I'm afraid to take it out because it might not work again.  I played it all the time by myself.  I never had internet because I couldn't really afford it.  I'd just sit and chill and play Tetris.  Or, if I had stuff on my mind I would play Tetris.  Or, if I was bored I'd play Tetris.  I looked at it like meditation.  I never did T-spins or combos or any of that, I just played as fast as I could to keep my mind busy.

I just recently got an internet connection.  The first thing I did was sign up for Tetris Friends, which I was just so thrilled to find.  I played through to the gold rooms pretty easy, then the real fun began.

I am so happy that there are so many wonderful Tetris players.  I like fast players, artful players and players that do beautiful set-ups.    I like players that play really well, and those that can't really play at all.  The whole game of Tetris is a wonderful thing and I just love it.  

What I don't like is people that cheat.  I don't like people that call names, good natured ribbing excepted.  I don't understand why people make fake accounts and behave in a derogatory or deceitful manner.   All that does is make Tetris not fun.  But, I refuse to let their mental illness deter me.

My tetris goal is to become as good as I can.  It is unlikely that I will ever be the best, but it isn't about that for me.  I am going to approach it like learning a musical instrument.  The joy is just in being able to play a piece, not necessarily being the best in the world at it.  I am going to try to break it down into fundamental skills and techniques to be mastered.

I'm commited to keeping tetris positive and happy and fun.  It has always been there for me.

Yay Tetris People.  Boo everybody in my life that keeps telling me that they don't have time for Tetris.  Get a Tetris life. NOW!


welcome to tetris.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


yeah i played against you on TF
you were soooo drunk, but it was fun

haha happy to see you here!
"hasta la victoria, siempre!" -- E.C.G.


Hey Pheep, welcome to Harddrop, I remember playing you on Tetrisfriends a few times a while ago.


Wow I really fail at checking the intro threads. Hi Pheeb  

Quote from: Pheeb
It is unlikely that I will ever be the best

Don't be so modest!
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


I never read these introduction threads, but yours was actually pretty good. Thanks for writing about your Tetris experience so far. It sounds like you've got "the passion." You're in the right place! I feel the same way about how Tetris is a sort of meditation. It's like it's therapeutic for me.

As for the cheaters, name-callers, and such, I find it better to just ignore them and not let them have any sort of emotional impact on me. If I get upset, that's pretty much my own fault, and I've let them accomplish what they were after. Know what I mean?