4TehLulz Tournament feat. Quadra

Started by Rosti_LFC, August 27, 2012, 11:23:22 AM

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This is something I've discussed with a few people and have sort of wanted to do for ages but I haven't had the time (and still don't). I'm basically posting this to gauge interest - if a few people are keen then I'll put a bit more priority behind it and make it happen. If nobody cares then cool, I don't need to put any more planning into it.

Tired of all these Cultris/TOJ style tournaments where the same people keep winning all the time? Then what if there was a game where nobody had played it in years, it was sort of a bit off-the-wall as far as Tetris clones go, and most people probably haven't even heard it before?

That game is Quadra:

"But Rosti, recursive gravity isn't used in any other Tetris game and Quadra is totally dead... nobody is going to practice this crap..."
This is exactly the point. This tournament is purely for fun, for pure entertainment, for teh lulz. Spending any hours actually practising the game beforehand is strongly frowned upon and will be viewed as impolite to competitors (though not that I can stop you). This is a test of how well people can adapt to a totally different style of Tetris that they've basically never played before.

"If it's all for entertainment, how do I watch?"
The entire tournament will be streamed by myself and some TBD other caster in 720p on my Twitch channel (because it probably won't tie into the HD channel imo). And large amounts of alcohol will be involved in the commentary end. And possibly drinking games based on how players do.

"But I'm only 15 and/or live in some nazi country where I can't drink until I'm 21"
That's fine, we need people to actually play.

"Will there be prizes?"
No. Because I can't be bothered sticking the money up for them, and because the whole point is for this tournament not to be srs bzness. I want to see people enjoy being challenged, see some upsets, and see some Tetris games that are totally different to the normal stuff we get. It's entirely for fun and for bragging rights.

"When is this likely to go down?"
At some point probably in just over a month. It depends on my work schedule and also when is most convenient for people to play (I'm not expecting more than about 10 people to actually sign up). If there's any reasonable interest shown in this thread then I'll make sure it happens.

"So what do I do if I want to compete or commentate or just see this happen?"
Post some words to that effect in this thread. If it gets a ton of replies, I'll make sure that a Quadra lulz tournament with drunk casting happens before 2013. If not, then it either won't, or I'll make sure it goes down at the Eindhoven TC meet.


Quadra is super fuN!!!!!!

*Downloads quadra*


Sounds awesome! I'd be keen to compete.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


=( the rotation system is sooooooooo hard after playing tf so much  cant even survive level 1


I'm in, expect this player to be "altered"
[spoiler] [img]http://harddrop.com/f


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Uploaded by lolzerznijmniewdupe on Jun 12, 2007[/quote]
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Some former Quadra pros play Cultris now. So perhaps, you might want to post this in the Cultris forum, too.


Quote from: Integration
Some former Quadra pros play Cultris now. So perhaps, you might want to post this in the Cultris forum, too.
Except I'd be actively against anyone who is actually a Quadra pro from competing, given that it kinda goes against the whole spirit of everyone being pretty suck at Quadra.


Lol what is Quadra?

Read as: I'm so in.

EDIT: Watched the video! I used to play a game mode with cascading/recursive gravity but that was well over 5 years ago

Gotta say I'm pretty pumped.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I actually like the idea of not playing the game before hand; it takes away any pressure of competing and makes it fun.

I'd play.