Tetris Friends troubles

Started by Shuugo, February 21, 2011, 02:16:46 PM

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Right now, it seems very few of the best bother trying TF. Probably because nullpo is good and TF is lagging more than ever :\


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


It's really too bad it lags...there are so many cool things in the shop haha, and it's accessible for anyone from anywhere.

Any other suggestions for a beginner like me then =/? TOJ and nullpo seem too pro for me, I'd get destroyed there =(.


Quote from: Agamemnon
Right now, it seems very few of the best bother trying TF. Probably because nullpo is good and TF is lagging more than ever :\
usually nullpo is fine for me but when it lags it's worse than TF. i was in a 5-player room the other day with no spectators on nullpo.it.cx and it was like playing in slow motion. nothing like that ever happens to me on TF, although sometimes a room will freeze up completely. i will occasionally have input lag on TF but it's less of a problem when i use settings i bought from the shop instead of url-forced DAS/ARR settings. from my experience it's more likely i'll have unplayable lag on nullpo.

Shuugo- i've yet to come across a multiplayer game that won't lag at all, but if TF is that bad for you maybe you would have more fun on TOJ or nullpo. from time to time there are players of all skill levels on those game.


TOJ isn't necessarily a pro game, not nearly to the scale of nullpo at least. It has plenty of play for all levels. Its definitely worth a try



yea..dropped inputs are unfortunately common on tf ;i a lot of people who only play tf don't really notice it so i was kind of surprised you did? maybe it's cause you're on 1/1

i agree with das--nullpo is more or less level 6+/10 [better than your avg player] but you can def find people your level on toj. depending on the time of day there are japanese players on with all diff skill levels n lots of them! you can d/l it here if you're interested
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Playing TF definitely makes you better, though. You really get to know the SRS twists when you're fixing misdrops.  
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


I guess it's time to give TOJ a good try then. I can speak japanese to a reasonable level, which I believe will make the experience even more pleasurable. But I won't give up on TF anyway, just wanted to know if I was the only one having problems.

Quote from: virulent
yea..dropped inputs are unfortunately common on tf ;i a lot of people who only play tf don't really notice it so i was kind of surprised you did? maybe it's cause you're on 1/1

i agree with das--nullpo is more or less level 6+/10 [better than your avg player] but you can def find people your level on toj. depending on the time of day there are japanese players on with all diff skill levels n lots of them! you can d/l it here if you're interested

Maybe I noticed it because I'm too used to fighting games and rhythm games - both genres require milimetric precision on inputs, and drops or delays can really mess you up there too.

About the "level 6+/10", what exactly do you mean? I'm not sure if the number slash number stands for some notation I'm not familiar with, but if this means levels 6 to 10, I guess it's doable for me...I'm managing to beat guys on this level range in TF arena, even with misdrops. Can you confirm if that's what you meant, please =)?

Again, I can't say enough thanks for all the answers. Harddrop.com is awesome. =).

PS: Also, Pikiwedia mentioned I should do one of the free trials and win the Arena Challenge once a week to get the rubies, but I am not sure on how to do neither of these things. Where are those free trials he's talking about? And what are the Arena Challenges?


I think viru meant 6 and up out of 10. No real standard way of measuring that though.