Where do you keep your eyes?

Started by Magnanimous, December 26, 2010, 10:10:46 PM

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When you're playing Tetris, I mean.

I tend to memorize the first five-ish pieces in queue (when I'm playing Nullpomino, at least) during the intro, then in the first few seconds I'll be looking at the bottom row to focus on the opening. After that I slowly start looking up from the stack to better watch the previews, and I'll stay about 3-4 rows above the stack from then on.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


On the top of my stack, the ghost piece, and sometimes the next one.


Stack and piece-previews (2, or 3 at best) at the same time.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]


I do the same thing for all games including keyblox. I look at the next pieces before the game, then when the game starts I look at the surface of the entire stack. For multiplayer I often look below the surface so that I can downstack. I just keep track of where the holes are.

After the beginning of the game I never look at the next piece, I just see it in the corner of my eye. I have no idea how I register what it is in keyblox. I always thought that I relied on the drop shadow.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Where I'm stacking - I don't know how, but the next pieces come by peripheral vision without me knowing, just subconscious
               Tetris Belts!


on the field
like paul said, next pieces come by peripheral vision based on color


Quote from: Paul676
Where I'm stacking - I don't know how, but the next pieces come by peripheral vision without me knowing, just subconscious



I always look a two-thirds down the middle of my matrix if my field is less than 10 rows, but if it's over, then I look a third down. And I use the colors of everything around to know what my stack looks like and what my piece previews are. I occasionally look at opponents' fields if I'm feeling a bit pressured, if not, my view is always in my matrix.


omfg I'm so clever
It's all about the love


Quote from: clincher
omfg I'm so clever
you mean "mind's eye"?

My eyes do a weird flicker thing where i alternat really quick between previews and stack.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


If i have the ghost on then i tend to look about 2 lines above my field.  My peripheral vision sometimes lets me see two pieces and when i see two i actually look directly at my previews to see the third,  if my stack is clean and i can look at the previews till i need to downstack.  If i take the ghost off it makes it easier for me to focus on my previews.  I actually watch my previews like i normally would my field when the ghost is on.  

I asked Maserati this question once and he said he looks directly at the previews when he plays 40 lines.  It was funny though cause he said he never really thought about it until i asked him.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
On the top of my stack, the ghost piece, and sometimes the next one.

Aaron summed it up pretty well
40L = 28.71
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