Confusing "next piece" spot in nullpomino

Started by Sozu, January 11, 2011, 09:16:42 AM

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I just tried out NullpoMino and it seems to be a really great tetris game.

But there's just one little thing that makes it so hard for me to play. It's that "Next piece" window.
It's like on the top of the game and it's turning in the corner.

All other tetris games I played they have been on right side, on the top.
So now when I play NullpoMino, I look wrong all the time, I look at the piece that's on like 3rd place or so.

I need eighter to change this (if possible?), OR I train it away? In someway? how?


Go to Config in the menu, then to General Options, then change "show next on side" to O and hit enter(or whatever key u have set to A button)
☠ Jennr246


You can also change the size of the previews in the same window, i for myself found it easier to see them then


Oooh there! Thank you very much!
Does it work to make it that it just shows 1 next? So it doesn't show many next ones?


Quote from: Sozu
Oooh there! Thank you very much!
Does it work to make it that it just shows 1 next? So it doesn't show many next ones?

I'm not sure why you would only want 1 preview, having more will help you play better. So I'd suggest having more than 1.

But to answer your question; I believe you can only change number of previews shown if you create your own rule in ruleeditor.

Edit: I think some of the existing rules might have 1 previews, but not sure which ones in that case.
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