Maximizing APM (TOJ)

Started by crzy242, October 15, 2010, 09:35:19 PM

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I've been trying for a while to increase my APM on TOJ, and i frequently see players who can go 10 APM more or 15 APM more than their LPM. So what's the secret? Downstack combos? More T-spins? Right now I get around 46LPM/52APM everday, I really want to make that APM go up to 56 or even more. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
☠  crzy242


not sure this will help.. i'm 37/47 cause i often slow down to think too often & blank out @.@ but i try to b2b as much as possible because i'm a stubborn ----- who's against combos. [for some reason when it comes to TOJ & 'ren' i don't hate it as much as 'combos' don't ask me why o.o;]
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Ideally, if you only perform back to back Tspin singles, you should be getting 3 lines sent for every 1 line cleared (I think?). More practically, TSDs are ideal (1 line:2 attack ratio), as opposed to tetrises (1:1 ratio).
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: larrytetris
Ideally, if you only perform back to back Tspin singles, you should be getting 3 lines sent for every 1 line cleared (I think?). More practically, TSDs are ideal (1 line:2 attack ratio), as opposed to tetrises (1:1 ratio).
except LPM on TOJ is calculated differently. Instead of counting the lines you actually cleared and then dividing it by the time played, it counts the number of pieces you placed / time (TPM) and works out the LPM from that.
☠  crzy242


all i do is tspin and tetris...occasionally combo midgame


It was extremely interesting the day we had nullpo weekly with even weirder rules than normal; no combo downstacks / no combos at all!
Everybody saw their apm fall drastically. I think the thing that separates good and great, given roughly the same speed in the first place, is the ability to chain everything together. Comb downstacking better will perhaps make the difference you ask for.


ok i got 47.1 / 54.3 today, ive starting keeping b2b more. i had 3.5 average tetris and 4.4 average t-spins
☠  crzy242


tspin + back to back, or alternative tspin with combos to maximise midgame garbage adds.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


lol 49.9 / 58.5 ... still gotta do 2 more APM to get past that +10 APM mark
☠  crzy242