Another pop music thread teehee.

Started by Someone2knoe, October 11, 2010, 01:55:56 PM

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This thread isn't to hate on pop music or compare it to TF.

I'm going to list some songs. None of these songs are actually original. At least someone already made a song very similar to it. Its funny how they weren't really credited . But anyway if you know where they came from post your answer. No cheating, or stealing(lol)!





I heard these in situations where I had no choice but to listen to radio.

One time I heard the intro to the beatles song "yesterday", I was just about to sing it then some chick started singing an R&B song. I was like WTH? Anyway if you can find that song that would be cool because its so insanely stolen.


Yeh two songs come to mind right now, the one that has the lyrics "all I want to do is, take your money" (or something like that), it steals the entire backing track from this song.

Another one, the name escapes me, steals the violin intro from Bittersweet Symphony.




Yeah it's called sampling. Even "Can't Touch This" is sampled. It happens when you don't make real music, you just use a computer, because you lack real musical talent. Yeah I went there lol.

Also anyone who knows what number 3 is from is a sick and messed up person
☠ massi4h


*facepalms at the comment about 3*

Also, using a computer does not mean that you do not lack musical talent! Some people make music on computers and are very talented, just listen to some of the rich melodies and rhythms. Just because they don't play an instrument, doesn't mean that their music is any less of a song!

g u r l g a m e r


Quote from: massi4h
Yeah it's called sampling. Even "Can't Touch This" is sampled. It happens when you don't make real music, you just use a computer, because you lack real musical talent. Yeah I went there lol.

My hero  



There's no legitimate reason using a computer is any different than playing a conventional instrument. It just boils down to people's creativity. People make shiit music on a WIDE range of instruments!
Honestly, i'm not even against using auto-tune. Albeit t-pain hasn't done anything good with it but that's no reason to dismiss it!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


No I'm talking about autotuner's and vocoders and the like. And those programs where they edit the notes of their voice after recording because they can't sing properly. I respect people who can compose and write music on a computer.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
No I'm talking about autotuner's and vocoders and the like. And those programs where they edit the notes of their voice after recording because they can't sing properly. I respect people who can compose and write music on a computer.




might as well get it over with  


Auto-tune isn't a problem until someone with less than average talent and no musical ability uses it to pretend to sing and makes millions of dollars in the process.

I'm not saying all pop singers do this, but its quite easy to do.

Heck Kesha even autotunes when she is talking . Ridiculous.