Just something to remember

Started by ohitsstef, April 11, 2010, 05:42:50 PM

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Quote from: ohitsstef
lol you two are cute:P
the holocaust has nothin to do with the vietnam war though
watch the videos!
i was just telling him how to spell holocaust and wow this is just sick(not in the good way)
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


@ caffeine: lol you can if you want.. i guess  
@jemm: =( yeah it's sad ..

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Sad the way the world works isnt it? There was no justification for what they did, none whatsoever. YEs I understand that they were being shot at for extended periods of time, their friends were going missing of being shot in front of them. But those people did what exactly? Nothing.

Reminds me of the Kent State Riots. A peaceful anti-war demonstration was gathered on the grounds of Kent State College in Ohio. The governor James Rhodes was notorious for calling in the national guard more often than was necessary. Many7 of the protesters were protesting the Invasion of Cambodia and largely the entire War in Veitnam. They exhibited no violent force whatsoever.

Now on Monday May 4th 1970 they gathered and the National Guard attempted to dissolve the meeting. After being ordered to leave the protesters began throwing rocks at the guardsmen, yes that is violent but did it constitute what was to come? I doubt it. The Guard responded with the use of tear gas, the high wind that day rendered it basically useless, simply swept away.

Then a group of about 80 guardsmen came, with bayonets attached to their weapons and simply' began advancing on the crowd of hundreds of originally peaceful protesters. MAny of the protesters had dispersed after the march. It was at this point that Sgt. Taylor began firing into the crowd with his .45. In all 29 or so of his men admitted to firing their guns into the crowd.

Yes the rock throwing was violent, but was the firing necessary? Not in any sane world.

RIP Jeffrey Glenn Miller
RIP Allison B. Krause
RIP William Know Schroeder
RIP Sandra Lee Scheuder

(several other people were wounded)

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://morgansmusings.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kent-state_john_filo1.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://morgansmusings.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kent-state_john_filo1.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Sadly this crap is still going on, over the past year I've heard about so mayn stories of innocent civilians being shot in Iraq, but thats the way of the world isnt it?

(BTW The holocaust we all know of is merely one of many)



@ das: dang, nice reply.

yeah, the world works in an f-ed up manner. the guards had no right to shoot.. :/ sadly that happens at a lot of peaceful protests.

some people will never learn, violence doesn't solve anything.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
@ das: dang, nice reply.

yeah, the world works in an f-ed up manner. the guards had no right to shoot.. :/ sadly that happens at a lot of peaceful protests.

some people will never learn, violence doesn't solve anything.
Haha I frequent a history forum so I'm used to these kinds of questions.

Its not so much the world as it is humans stef. In my opinion when a species gets to a point where it can indulge the way we do, it's gone too far. We take without seeing the consequences until its too late, we destroy without caring and for what? For IPODs and TVs? It's all a farce.

People do learn they just dont heed the lessons.



@das: yeah we do take things too far before noticing the consequences, which is too bad cause the world has so much to offer. I do believe in America we live life too fast.. everyone's worried about outer appearances and what they have in their homes so much they don't think about future generations. which btw, great movie to watch for this: fight club LOL

what history forum do you go to? i'm kinda interested

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
yeah we do take things too far before noticing the consequences nice nice
what history forum do you go to? i'm kinda interested
The search is half the fun Stef :)



We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Oh BTW the riots followed the shootings, my mistake.



Quote from: DAS44
Sad the way the world works isnt it? There was no justification for what they did, none whatsoever. YEs I understand that they were being shot at for extended periods of time, their friends were going missing of being shot in front of them. But those people did what exactly? Nothing.

Reminds me of the Kent State Riots. A peaceful anti-war demonstration was gathered on the grounds of Kent State College in Ohio. The governor James Rhodes was notorious for calling in the national guard more often than was necessary. Many7 of the protesters were protesting the Invasion of Cambodia and largely the entire War in Veitnam. They exhibited no violent force whatsoever.

Now on Monday May 4th 1970 they gathered and the National Guard attempted to dissolve the meeting. After being ordered to leave the protesters began throwing rocks at the guardsmen, yes that is violent but did it constitute what was to come? I doubt it. The Guard responded with the use of tear gas, the high wind that day rendered it basically useless, simply swept away.

Then a group of about 80 guardsmen came, with bayonets attached to their weapons and simply' began advancing on the crowd of hundreds of originally peaceful protesters. MAny of the protesters had dispersed after the march. It was at this point that Sgt. Taylor began firing into the crowd with his .45. In all 29 or so of his men admitted to firing their guns into the crowd.

Yes the rock throwing was violent, but was the firing necessary? Not in any sane world.

RIP Jeffrey Glenn Miller
RIP Allison B. Krause
RIP William Know Schroeder
RIP Sandra Lee Scheuder

(several other people were wounded)

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://morgansmusings.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kent-state_john_filo1.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://morgansmusings.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kent-state_john_filo1.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Sadly this crap is still going on, over the past year I've heard about so mayn stories of innocent civilians being shot in Iraq, but thats the way of the world isnt it?

(BTW The holocaust we all know of is merely one of many)
i needed to know this but i forgot what the name was

Quote from: ohitsstef
@ das: dang, nice reply.

yeah, the world works in an f-ed up manner. the guards had no right to shoot.. :/ sadly that happens at a lot of peaceful protests.

some people will never learn, violence doesn't solve anything.
umm  sometimes when its necessary violence does solve some stuff so err yeah...
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


i love how they shut him up right when he starts dissing the president,
i dislike obama,
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.