Tetris Zone Speed

Started by bowcy, March 11, 2010, 02:20:34 PM

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Hey guys! Long time no see. I don't play much anymore since I know that it only takes a little to become addicted.

However, today I set a new record time of 44.352 in Tetris Zone Sprint.

(Goes to show that you don't lose it after not playing for a while!)

What I want to know is this: Where does the speed of this game stand with blockbox and Tetris Friends? Anybody have an official report (not just opinion) that they can bring to the table?

In blockbox I'm 42.80... And in Tetris Friends I'm 46.94 (but should've also been 44 since I ended crappily).

I find the BB speed hard to handle. However, if that Tetris Zone time of 44.352 relates to TF times in that it can translate over to about a 34 or so on BB, I'd be willing to put in the effort. Is anybody willing to help me out on the statistics?


hi bowcy, welcome back. Jono has 37 seconds in TZ and i think 29 seconds in Lockjaw, and he played a lot in both games, so that may be a good indicator. but i think Maserati would also be around 36-37 seconds in TZ, and 24 seconds in BB. TZ and TF limit your speed for sure, but if you play them a lot then you may get your best times on those games, just from familiarity.

i think you could expect ~35 seconds in BB if you play with the fastest settings you can handle and stick with it for a while.


Quote from: jujube
i think you could expect ~35 seconds in BB if you play with the fastest settings you can handle and stick with it for a while.

okay! thanks Juju!