WTF is with blockbox soft drop.

Started by Dagorath, March 01, 2010, 01:23:59 PM

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soft drop drops the piece all the way down without locking it. You can still move the piece while it's on the floor, but you can not stop the piece mid-way.


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I don't often need it, but it should still be an option to have soft soft drop

g u r l g a m e r


sonic drop fwiw.

what's the difference between that and a soft drop?  you can still do all the twists.

I like it.


Quote from: oliv
I like sonic drop too but theres a clear difference with classic soft drop...

i forget that there are a lot of moves in ARS which will twist under the overhang, but when done in SRS the piece moves over instead.