What happened to tetris zone?

Started by fpspapasito, February 21, 2010, 06:18:29 PM

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hi, im new, and im glad i finally found a tetris ocused forum.
But what is up with the tetris zone hate?, was i a stupid for buying the member pass?, i played tetris friends for a while, but it was laggy at times, and i tried the Tzone trial demo and it seemed much smoother, any suggestions for some other tetris games?
ps: any suggestions on how to run blocboxon a mac?, have been trying but no result. thanks in advance


see my sig

don't think you can ron TOJ on a mac. to run blockbox, u need some new version of osx? i'm not sure.


I heard blockbox works on leopard OS.  I don't think anybody here hates Tetris Zone, it's just that most of us never played it because of the $19.99 pricetag.  

Hey post your TZ records here!: http://www.harddrop.com/records


thanks for the replies.
can i play tetris online in a mac?, i thought it was ie exclusive. and if anyone can get me some more information on how to run blockbox on a mac it would be really helpful, thanks


tetrisonline is windows only. some of us have tried to make it work in linux but i don't think anyone succeeded. blockbox should run in any java-enabled browser. i don't know if you can play it on mac.


Quote from: jujube
tetrisonline is windows only. some of us have tried to make it work in linux but i don't think anyone succeeded. blockbox should run in any java-enabled browser. i don't know if you can play it on mac.

blockbox only works in 10.6.x, but it works well.