Help with openings

Started by Magnanimous, January 11, 2010, 02:43:12 PM

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Openings are completely meaningless if nobody is doing combos, especially in TOJ.

Sure it's nice to have extra weapons in your arsenal, but your TST->TSD setup doesn't scare me at all when I can get a TSD or maybe 2 of them before you're done setting up, and when you finally clear it I'm ready to send it right back to you. God help you if you stack badly or misdrop and have to abandon the whole thing.

The only setup you need to know:


Easy, fast, safe, works in most games (when the I doesn't come late), replace Z with S if you need to but watch your next pieces so you know where to place everything else (the one I just showed is extremely easy to complete...) and can lead to a second quick TSD depending on how you build it.


Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
It's tricky to decide what to do/when and with all the variables are far as what your up against.  In general I like to leave 3 from side open for combo like a lot of ppl tend to do.  Or start just TSDing.  One I like a lot that has a lot of potential is TST to combo.


Bare with me I'm noob to Fumen.

Dear Gods, what game are YOU playing with that kind of randomizer?!?!?!

(in the future, try to make at least a somewhat realistic piece sequence, okay?)


Quote from: iphys
Honestly, I don't think B2B T-spins are the best openings, because if you're playing a good player you might be under attack by the time you've finished your first T-spin.  Plus, if you have to set up your overhang for the second T-spin before you can take the first one you'll likely end up wasting your first T piece, and there's also a slight risk your opponent might do an All Clear opening on you before you can send them any garbage.

If you're playing a good player you might be under attack by the time you've finished your first Tetris. In fact, since TSDs require two lines, they're actually faster than Tetrises, but send the same amount of garbage. There's a slight risk your opponent may All Clear no matter how you open.

Most top TOJ players use this type of opening (not enough time to find it right now, but there's a good page out there explaining it).


Basically, you hug an L or J against the corner. Then, you put an I horizontally leaving one space. Then you put the complementary Z or S horizontally on top of that. Then you put the O on the other corner with the opposite S or Z wedged in. It's advantage is that it leaves a hole for the next T-Spin.


Quote from: zaphod77
Dear Gods, what game are YOU playing with that kind of randomizer?!?!?!

(in the future, try to make at least a somewhat realistic piece sequence, okay?)

notice the note at the bottom stating 'Bare with me I'm noob to Fumen.'
what he wanted to do was fill up the sides, that's all.

i don't know how to use fumen either but i know you can do that with all gray blocks in 1 frame filled up to the top.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Update: I've gotten to the point where I can open with a TST reliably(90-95% of the time), and it's working pretty well.

I like how it has the potential to send a lot of lines, but it's easy to bail if you're in trouble. If you wait to set up the TST until after you've built up the right side, there's a 40% chance that you'll get easily counterable garbage if someone hits you quickly.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino




Oh yeah, I forgot about Blockbox... XD I guess there I'll open with a TSD. Much safer.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


You need to complete at least 4 lines for an All Clear start.  The only time anyone ever managed to pull off an All Clear start on me was when I wasted my first T before doing my TSD, so I think doing a quick TSD is the safest way to make people forget about the possibility of an All Clear opening.  It's possible you could garbage your opponent before they pulled off the All Clear and the garbage could come unscrambled and they could also just happen to have an I piece coming to All Clear the garbage anyway, but that would be a rarity.


With Bag, it's impossible to get an all clear in the first 5 pieces, even using hold.

Proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.

With bag+1, it's possible, if you get 2 squares, and L J I.

With history it is unlikely, but theoretically possible to get that same sequence, or any of a few other even rarer sequences.