Deniax got contacted by TTC

Started by Blink, September 19, 2009, 01:53:11 PM

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Are LTris (comes with Eee PC), Gnometris (comes with Ubuntu), and KSirtet next?


All you "oh noes not blockbox" people are being stupid.

Firstly, this was always a matter of when and not if. Smaller and worse games have been given C&D notices than Blockbox, as have games which aren't trying to make money, which Blokkendoos at least is. I mean, I'm seriously surprised it's taken TTC this long to get around to sending something, especially given all the activity on TetrisConcept for the past year or whatever around the game.

Secondly, Blockbox and Blokkendoos are owned by Spelpunt, which is Dutch, and which doesn't have the same DMCA laws that America has. It's also a proper company with the money to not back out of a legal case they're confident of winning. TTC can use scare-tactics on small developers because they don't have the guts or financial status to take something like this to court.

Things may have changed in the last 48 hours, but when I spoke to Deniax in person on Sunday he seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing, so it's sort of funny that everyone else is taking this so hugely seriously. He seemed more surprised that the C&D letter was written in Dutch than anything else about it. It doesn't have "-tris" in the name, and there's not much else TTC can really do to sue them.
I sincerely hope that I won't end up having to eat my own words here, but there shouldn't be much to worry about.


I wasn't surprised, I knew this was coming since the day I first played there, I was just really annoyed.
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I sincerely hope that I won't end up having to eat my own words here, but there shouldn't be much to worry about.[/quote]
I hope you're right
It's all about the love


Quote from: tepples
Are LTris (comes with Eee PC), Gnometris (comes with Ubuntu), and KSirtet next?

I seriously doubt it, unless Linux suddenly overtakes Mac OS as the second most popular desktop operating system. They've all been around for years, in plain view, with infringing names, and TTC hasn't chosen to do anything about it yet.


"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: CaithnessI seriously doubt it, unless Linux suddenly overtakes Mac OS as the second most popular desktop operating system. They've all been around for years, in plain view, with infringing names, and TTC hasn't chosen to do anything about it yet.
I think the developer of Quadrapassel got a notice, as it's not called Gnometris anymore.


players of tetris worldwide rejoice as we become closer to having a unified tetris game!


Quote from: meow
players of tetris worldwide rejoice as we become closer to having a unified tetris game!
Boo. Onward to stagnation!
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