Button Configuration Help

Started by ZacTASTIC, October 27, 2009, 11:26:52 PM

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So I currently only play on TetrisFriends.com (Blockbox is too... awkward for me right now =P) and I desperately need to learn how to double rotate, but my button layout is not very helpful in this endeavor...

What button configurations would you recommend?
Up = rotate right
Shift = rotate left (i never use)
control = hold
down = soft drop
space = harddrop

what's a more... optimal button layout? And I know that it should be whatever's comfortable, but I'm going to learn to double rotate, so it will be uncomfortable at first anyway.


I just use a very standard setup

z=rotate left
x=rotate right
c=rotate left
a=hold (this might be a bit odd)


q - rotate left
e - rotate right
space - hold
up - hard drop
down - soft drop
left - left
right - right

you REALLY do need to change to both direction rotate. It will have to be done sooner or later
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Check out these forum links. If you still are looking for a good setup:

http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1244 (has what a lot of people use)

http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1228 (discusses theory and efficient setups)


Heres what I use...

Left = numpad 7
Right = numpad 9
Hard Drop = numpad 8
Soft Drop = Numpad 0 (lol)

Rotate Left = q
Rotate Right = e
Hold = w
Item = spacebar

Items do appear in various modes of Tetris, hence why I left a spot for it.
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I use:

Left - left arrow
Right - right arrow
Hard Drop - space bar
Soft Drop - down arrow

Rotate left - Z
Rotate right - X
Hold - left shift
Item -V

I'm very comfortable with this setup, each finger has its own separate key and function (except item, which is rarely use).  I read a couple places having hard drop on the spacebar is a bad idea, why would that be?  The only reason I can think of is that in some versions you cant hard drop if you are moving a piece, which would make a difference somewhat.