McMaster Tetris

Started by friendship, October 12, 2009, 06:39:15 PM

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So I go to McMaster U, in Hamilton, and having never encountered anyone else who plays tetris at a high level and hearing about my friends in Waterloo playing against people, I'm wondering if anyone else here goes to Mac and plays tetris
I've been thinking about starting a tetris club/league sort of thing, and i thought this place would be as good as any to see if there might be interest


You can check the map under the world tab and see if anyone near you plays. Freshman year in college I got some pretty good 6+ player tetris DS matches. My college is a pretty big gamer school but I couldn't find any other tetris gamers


I'm trying to find people who go to uoft in engineering... The world tab doesn't seem to be working for me :S.


hey cool who else plays tetris at waterloo? and jade, are you ben?

i know a ben who plays tetris and goes to u of t engsci


I used to play hockey for engineering at UofT, but I was in the astro dept when I was there.

Did that Ben guy ever play T Party?  I noticed a Canadian Ben on the leaderboards for that game.


im not sure... i played cultris with him and we talked for a bit and he added me on msn


o lol im not Ben. But I would like to meet him, I'm in engsci too (1st year though)


cool  i was actually considering taking engsci... if i did id be in the same year as you lol


Quote from: jade
o lol im not Ben. But I would like to meet him, I'm in engsci too (1st year though)


you might know me better as lostsymphony.


lol yea, heretic sounds like a familiar ign too >.<