
Started by Palron, June 29, 2010, 12:56:18 AM

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My question is that can you still be good at VS tetris without doing T-Spins?


Yeah, some games don't have or reward T-spins so you can still be good at VS without it.  If you're talking about only SRS games you can be a good player if you excel at all the other aspects (stacking, downstacking, speed, timing, efficient use of hold piece, etc.) but you are creating a large handicap on yourself by not t-spinning.  

So in these types of games, you can be a good player but not a great one.  Great players incorporate T-spins and twists (especially for games that reward them) into their style.

Usually players who want to be good will put in the time required to learn t-spins anyways.  I know it can be frustrating or difficult to pick up but figure out what type of learner you are.

If you learn more easily by text and diagrams, use the wiki:

If you learn through videos like me, check out youtube videos:

Finally just practice trying to do them midgame even if it slows you down and you lose.  After awhile you'll start recognizing them quicker and with less hesitation.


The first two Tetris tournaments I have been in I didn't know how to use to T-Spin competitively. (It was before I discovered HD.) Despite know that tactic, I got third place in both those tourneys. I could have placed higher if I knew how make T-Spin doubles.


Quote from: RoyalLance
The first two Tetris tournaments I have been in I didn't know how to use to T-Spin competitively. (It was before I discovered HD.) Despite know that tactic, I got third place in both those tourneys. I could have placed higher if I knew how make T-Spin doubles.

no offence but musta been a pretty nooby tournament

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Those videos are helpful thanks Blink.
I was wondering what's the status on t-spin triples ?
On the video from Xael he performs many of them and it's impressive, but on the HDO 3 semifinals i dont see you guys performing TSTs midgame?


TST's take too much brainpower to figure out. For me, i always stack at 1.8-2tps without changing speed for tst, so its not too much of an issue.

however for 3+tps stackers, they have to slow down too much to do a tst which will only send +2 lines.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


if u play on BB ya, if u want to be really good(TF) then no
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


Quote from: DannyBars
if u play on BB ya, if u want to be really good(TF) then no,

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


depends on what game you play on

tf, toj, nullpomino count t-spins and combos

blockbox doesnt

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


"Question" has to be the worst thread name possible

T-spins are fun once you learn them!


Quote from: EnFuego
"Question" has to be the worst thread name possible



caffeine don't abuse ur moderator powers to increase post count

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


TSTs are nice to know but aren't really mandatory to be competitive unlike TSDs.

Although TSTs are more useful in Nullpo or any other game that rewards all twists because you get more options for attacking, without the all twists reward TSTs will usually end your B2B streak or slow it down significantly.

With that said, if you are playing with all twists, then you have ZSDs, JSDs, and maybe I-spins to work with, so that's more to learn... hard to say how far you can get in this situation with only T-spins.


ok thanks friends