Well Hi There!

Started by itsameSMB, September 20, 2009, 10:16:39 AM

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Hey there, folks! I'm itsameSMB. Though I'm not a great Tetris player by any means, I like to think that I'm at least good. My specialty is actually Dr. Mario, but that's all I'll speak of it for now. Even on the net, I seem to have trouble finding people to play against, so that's why I joined here. Well, that, and I want to become a lot better than I am right now.

So yeah, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading!


whats up!  what tetris games do you play?  There's a bunch of us who play blockbox, Tetris Online Japan, Tetris DS and Tetris Friends live via mulitplayer, come join us sometime.


hi, good to have you here. i'm sure you'll find a few Dr. Mario players around here. i don't know of a PC version or any clones that let you play against other people, but maybe somebody else does.


hi!  dr. mario so oldschool!  i actually had dr.mario when i was young, but didnt play it bc it was tetris... :D


Quote from: Blink
whats up!  what tetris games do you play?  There's a bunch of us who play blockbox, Tetris Online Japan, Tetris DS and Tetris Friends live via mulitplayer, come join us sometime.
Actually, I think I was in a room with you on Tetris Friends. I blinked and the game was over...

Quote from: jujube
hi, good to have you here. i'm sure you'll find a few Dr. Mario players around here. i don't know of a PC version or any clones that let you play against other people, but maybe somebody else does.
Thanks. The only legit way I know of to play other online in Dr. Mario is the WiiWare game, but yeah, if anyone here has that, it'd be awesome.