Hello from Goldenshadow

Started by Goldenshadow, September 19, 2009, 02:37:47 PM

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Hello there, I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I have been distracted with college.

Some of you may already know me from omgpop, seeing as a I frequented that site for a long time.

My name is Jordan and Tetris has been an interest of mine for about 6 months. I started playing on Blockles near the end of March, and played as a casual way to have fun. Since then I have become more and more interested in the game, but always as just a thing to do with friends.

The reason I am deciding to start posting on the forums is because I want to improve my gameplay. Blockles has been the only Tetris clone I have played extensively because I enjoyed the community. However, in the last few weeks I have been playing Tetris Friends and trying to get used to that game.

I look forward to playing and learning with the community here.



welcome to the site goldenshadow.  If you're focusing primarily on TF Live, i'd suggest spending some of your time learning t-spins.


yay for more blockles players! i'd suggest never playing blink if you value your ego :P


heyy golden! yay for blockles players!


hey golden, sup? [first time posting on intro thread since MY intro]
umm im sure ull like it here, if u havent been around much yet, then youll be surprised at how nice the community is [do i get to be moderator nao?]
wen i first got here i was like, "wow, these ppl r crazy like meh"
have fun, srry for long speach, [cuz thats my thing...]
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


Thanks for the welcome you guys. Good to hear from you again Pierce, Spool, and Medyas. To Aznpapirus, I do not recognize your screen name, forgive me if it's slipped my mind, I knew a lot of people from the site.

As a side note, to Medyas, I played against Blink on tf today, your warning was too late, got stuck with second that round .


hi!  your picture is so matter-of-fact!  lol!  azn_papirus hehe


If you are an old blockles friend and I don't already talk to you, or just a fellow tetris talker, send me a message on aim; my aim is Goldenshadow177.