The I-shaped garbage

Started by SpawN, August 28, 2009, 06:13:48 AM

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More and more games are beggining to use this garbage system.( TOJ, Tetris Friends, BB has an option for it, TDS- the most famous example... and probably many other)

There is one thing that this garbage system does. It increases on average the amount of time a tetris game is played. Thats good, but apart from that, I do not see any other positive derivative.

From the games I have watched, especially the ones on TDS, most of the victories one gets are due to a misdrop of the opponent or simply lack of concentration of the opponent due to the loong and boring game. I say boring, because one cannot get a great enough reward for his tetris and does not have different kinds of problems during play which he/she has to solve. The player punishes with tetris his opponent and that opponent gets an I-shaped garbage ready for a tetris. Then, that cycle goes on and on, unless there is a significant difference between the speed of both players. So, when that cycle continues, the opponents are losing the incentive to punish their enemies in the most creative way and they are simply exchanging tetrises until one of them makes an awful misdrop or simply gets too bored to play. Basically, in those games one cannot develop any downstacking skills.

So umm, what i`m trying to say is that I think those games should be shut down  

The last sentence was a joke of course, although I won't get mad if that happens , but yeah I know that I will annoy some of you, again, but I don't care. i don't think anyone should be able to comply with everyone else in this forum.  So what do you think?
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


This is what I call the "see-saw effect." I tetris you, and you tetris me right back. Garbage is not difficult and offers little depth. Regrettably, I don't get the feeling the Guideline will change anytime soon on this matter.


It doesn't bother me... I'll admit however that my downstacking was shite until I played blockbox.

TDS's garbage is much more random than tetris party, which is probably the easiest tetris game there is.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music:


With identical garbage patterns the game is still fair. With the incentive for tetris being you would want to send the most garbage. Whoever sends the most garbage in this case is often going to be the winner. When playing tetris DS, I don't think I ever find it boring. As a low-end player it gives you more of a chance at evening out skills. As in blockbox there are some games that get boring when I have no chance of winning. Games like this still require downstacking skills just are not used as heavily.


o o spawn you should play tnet :] the garbage there is completely random and you have to learn how to downstack or you won't win very often ;x
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Quote from: SpawN
More and more games are beggining to use this garbage system.( TOJ, Tetris Friends, BB has an option for it, TDS- the most famous example... and probably many other)

There is one thing that this garbage system does. It increases on average the amount of time a tetris game is played. Thats good, but apart from that, I do not see any other positive derivative.

From the games I have watched, especially the ones on TDS, most of the victories one gets are due to a misdrop of the opponent or simply lack of concentration of the opponent due to the loong and boring game. I say boring, because one cannot get a great enough reward for his tetris and does not have different kinds of problems during play which he/she has to solve. The player punishes with tetris his opponent and that opponent gets an I-shaped garbage ready for a tetris. Then, that cycle goes on and on, unless there is a significant difference between the speed of both players. So, when that cycle continues, the opponents are losing the incentive to punish their enemies in the most creative way and they are simply exchanging tetrises until one of them makes an awful misdrop or simply gets too bored to play. Basically, in those games one cannot develop any downstacking skills.

So umm, what i`m trying to say is that I think those games should be shut down  

The last sentence was a joke of course, although I won't get mad if that happens , but yeah I know that I will annoy some of you, again, but I don't care. i don't think anyone should be able to comply with everyone else in this forum.  So what do you think?
i think the simplest way to fix this would be to make anything other than combos that included trash lines to count for less than they would regularly.  for example you send a tetris and your opponent gets a tetrisable stack of garbage.   but when he sends it back to you you only get two lines or something like that.
I eat babies.  Yum.


 All the garbage are I-tetrimino shaped
We should make t-spin garbage  


Quote from: Algrokos
i think the simplest way to fix this would be to make anything other than combos that included trash lines to count for less than they would regularly.  for example you send a tetris and your opponent gets a tetrisable stack of garbage.   but when he sends it back to you you only get two lines or something like that.

This is exactly the same idea I had a while ago for a VS game. You clear a Tetris with 4 garbage lines, besides the combo/B2B bonus you send NOTHING. This game however was kind of a mix between TOJ and Tetris Battle Gaiden in that you could use specials, and you would have to clear lines to charge those specials, so you still get something good for clearing those garbage lines. Otherwise, this would probably just slow the game down too much...