How you want to show the garbage counter in Blockbox

Started by deniax, August 01, 2009, 01:58:16 AM

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Now that the garbage counter feature has gone live, I'm wondering if the function can get better.

The garbage counter has 3 colors:

Green: The added garbage will leave you with enough height
Yellow: Warning, it might get tricky
Red: You'd better start drilling, coz you'd be dead soon

Wouldn't it be better that it just showed:

1-2 line incoming garbage: Green
3 line incoming garbage: Yellow
4 line incoming garbage: Red

Or just leave it as it's now? Or even other ideas?
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I think this update wouldn't hurt anybody, so if you'd like to include it I"m all for it deniax.  I can see it being useful in TOJ mode, or other modes that have garbage countering - but other than that I think it wouldn't make a difference.


1-2 line incoming garbage: Green
3 line incoming garbage: Yellow
4 line incoming garbage: Red

i like that much better

oh also...

in team nordic walk when a stick is held it doesn't show up in the hold window



I think the idea behind the current display is pretty cool. I think it would also be good to add a fourth color -- black maybe? -- that shows up if the garbage will push you over the top.
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I think the second idea would be better. The first idea is cool, but I don't think that it is as practical as the second idea. If we see 4 lines of garbage are about to be added, and we're at the bottom of the screen, or if we are about to be sent 4 lines and we are at the top, we don't need the colors to tell us if we're okay or not. We can figure that out ourselves.

I think the second idea is better because it already does what the first one does, and it gives us more information (how many lines we are getting).
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I think the counter should work differently depending on if there is garbage cancelling.

If there is, then it should be like it is, with the addition of

flashing red: cancel some garbage with this piece, or you will lose!

If there is no garbage cancelling, then i think a simpler color code based on incoming lines will be more useful.


Monte had an idea in the shoutbox the other day that after you cancel x amount of garbage you can't cancel any more. i think it would be cool if you had a bar on one side of the field that showed how much garbage you've canceled for the game, and when that bar reaches the top of the field you have to receive all incoming garbage. it could help keep games from dragging on for a long time.