Tetris Party ratings

Started by hurtchow, July 28, 2009, 06:31:00 AM

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What are everybody's thoughts on the rating system in Tetris Party online? The amount of points you earn for winning a match are based on the rating you currently have. This means if you have a rating of 3000, You win 75 points or lose 15. If you have a rating of 8000, you earn 7 points or you lose 90.

To me that's a load of baloney. I think that the points earned/lost should depend on the score of your opponent. When I beat someone with 7000+ points, I feel pretty darn proud of myself and its a bit of a downer to only get 15 points for it. Not only that, but it takes so much away from the points my opponent probably had to grind for, and he or she sometimes takes off right away to find someone they can beat more easily.

Obviously that questions the integrity of the ranking altogether. Does that mean all these players with 9000+ scores got their points from newbies and bad players? Who designed this? Is the Tetris DS scoring system similar? I haven't bought that game yet.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


Yeah, the rating system is garbage.  People don't lose any points for disconnecting on you either.  In Tetris DS they do and disconnections don't happen as much, and the points you earn depend on your opponent's rating.  More importantly, TDS connects you with people of a similar rating, so the matches tend to be better.  On T Party I think I end up playing lower-rated opponents more because people in the 6000s and 7000s tend to quit after 1 or 3 matches to protect their ratings, whereas people in the 4000s and 5000s stick around longer.


All of the above is true.

There are on occasion some good players who enjoy the competition and stick around, but the disconnectors and the scaredy cats are a definite bother.

Looks like I'll probably pick up Tetris DS soon. I worry about the small d-pad on the DS Lite, though. I'mokay with the small screen, since your peripheral vision picks up more and I'll be better at planning ahead (I hope).

One thing I'm worried about is T-Spin triples!! They don't count on Tetris Party so I never bothered to learn them. fudge.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


I wouldn't bother paying too much for Tetris DS. It's heyday has long, long gone. Recently tried out the online because of Kevcel's tournament and I wanted to get a few matches in. 4-player matches pretty much just don't happen any more unless you can be bothered to wait forever finding players. 2-player matches have an annoying proportion of players who are I-piece cheaters, and unlike the old days they're not easily beatable ones either.

The single-player modes were never brilliant, and the online ones are nothing like what they used to be. No leaderboards, not many players, too many cheaters.


Aww that's bad news. Also I'm surprised to hear it since most of this board seems to prefer TDS over TP. Can you describe the cheating you mentioned? I've never heard of this til now.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


It's like they purposely made Tetris Party's rating system as least likely to reflect a player's skill as possible.

Interestingly, I was just reading about different skill rating systems at teamliquid.net.


The stupid rating system and multiplayer all together has angered me greatly during the last tetris party tournament. I don't understand what would cause them to make a system like this. I think the tetris company doesn't like good versus modes. Tetris DS is the best one but still has a long way to becoming a good way to play multiplayer.

Do you think if enough people complained TTC would make a good versus mode?


Quote from: hurtchow
Aww that's bad news. Also I'm surprised to hear it since most of this board seems to prefer TDS over TP. Can you describe the cheating you mentioned? I've never heard of this til now.
The system and gameplay on TDS is superior imo. But yeah, like Rosti said, that wouldn't matter if there are not many people to play or there are only people that break the gameplay. There's probably some who still play regularly and can testify of what the experience is like nowadays.

The I-cheaters are basically just people who enable the all I tetrominoes action replay code. I don't know about now but back then, most people who cheated in this manner were really bad at the game. Having all I tetrominoes made it harder for them to dig through garbage. If you were fast enough, you could easily send more garbage by making use of what they throw at you. The most awesome part is when they misdrop because it completely wrecks their plan.

Quote from: EnFuego
Tetris DS is the best one but still has a long way to becoming a good way to play multiplayer.
TOJ? Best guideline multiplayer to date I think.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Do you think if enough people complained TTC would make a good versus mode?
If the casual mass complained, it would happen for sure. But that is unlikely.


Is TOJ the japanese site? Is it possible to play that game without understanding the language?
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


Yeah, it's very possible. Blink made a really good guide in the Strategy section.


TP is bad, I got to 8000 and quit playing.
a proper ladder would be ideal.
I played the other night it took me like 15 minuets to find a match.


You should keep playing so I could play you! That goes for all of you!
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


I just bought TDS on ebay for a little over $20. Not bad. I hope to play against you guys soon!

How long does it take for china to send stuff to canada?
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music: http://www.myspace.com/bettergangway


i've gotten stuff from overseas pretty quickly. it's all in the shipping method you choose, out of those available from the seller of course.