[Interview] Aaron

Started by ohitsstef, September 27, 2013, 01:31:48 PM

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Aaron aka Aaron
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/BxVgcdZ.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Age 16
Tetris age 4
Tetris Facebook era

High scores
40L 33.18
Nbox (-7)
TGM1 S2 380

Tournament standings
"eternal first round exit"

[a href=\\\"http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5348&hl=glorious]NullpoMino League 1

Glorious Notorious Tournament
TF Open 1[/div]

What was the other sn you used to use?
Aaron: Let’s forget it

;( Lol ok. Wait, you’re only 16?!
Aaron: Yeah

For some reason I thought you would be in college by now, you’ve been around Harddrop for a long time.
Aaron: I’m applying for college right now. RIP free time.

How did you first get into Tetris?
Aaron: I played it in-flight against my friend, I was the first to discover what “hold” was and then kicked butt.

Would you say that experience on the plane moved you to play more Tetris?
Aaron: I was bored one day after I got home and decided to search “Tetris” on FB. I don’t think it would have ever crossed my mind otherwise.

How did you discover Harddrop?
Aaron: I was trying to learn how to do a t-spin triple

What other games did you progress to after Tetris on FB?
Aaron: I played a lot of the modes on Tetris Friends like TF Sprint, Sprint 5p, and live. I finally figured out how to run nullpo on a mac a few months after joining HD, and only ever played TOJ like once.

After you came across HD do you think you progressed faster, skill wise?
Aaron: Yeah, instead of learning how to play well I learned how to do a J-spin triple into a Z-spin double.

What’s the best Tetris related tip an HD member has given you?
Aaron: “Stop doing stupid spin set ups.” Did I listen? No.

Haha do you consider yourself more of a Chopin-esque player? (fancy spins and set ups)
Aaron: Yeah, I play to have fun. Winning is fun, but I’d rather just have fun without having to play perfectly.

Who do you enjoy playing against the most?
Aaron: I don’t have any favorites. Everyone I used to play evenly with has improved faster than me.

Do you have a rival then?
Aaron: ManOfMiracles because I’ve known him the longest of anyone who’s still around and only beaten him in a match once.

Do you still talk to your old teammates from S16 and HR?
Aaron: Not from S16 because I’m the only person still playing. That was Ukranian’s team. Hell I’m the only one from HR who still plays!

Larry doesn’t play anymore?!
Aaron: He rarely plays and TF doesn’t count.

So how many tournaments have you set up thus far?
Aaron: There are too many to count. I’m most pleased with the success of the NullpoMino League so far and very honored to be on the TTO3 team.

Nice! Do you see a season 2 happening for NML?
Aaron: Yeah, hopefully next year.

Who do you think is going to win season 1? And who has surprised you the most? (Underdog player)
Aaron: Katatoniapeth surprised me by defying his 0-72 expectations and went 1-71. As for the winner hm… that’s hard to predict. I can see CaptainPaul getting first place in the west and Barney in the East.

Even though you aren’t a serious player, you have been around for a long time. What keeps you around?
Aaron: All of the people that I’ve met from around the world.

What are your Tetris goals, if any?
1.   Sub 30 in 40 lines
2.   Become the #1 all-spins player
3.   Bring more awareness to Nullpomino League
4.   Make NML an annual event with larger participation. It’d be an honor if NML replaced HDO.

You met Blink at that tournament held in LA, what was your first impression of him?
Aaron: It was really cool to meet him. He was nice but busy playing his matches. It was also really cool to shake Henk’s hand and have Alexey Pajitnov call us via skype.

How do you foresee the Tetris scene changing in the next few years?
Aaron: There won’t be any new games, but I think the player base may grow. But at the moment there is no support from any of the developers making the games; everyone from TF got laid off, TOJ closed down, NM8 development is crashing and burning .. and what even happened to BB? RIP every game.

Well, that is depressing, but true. Hopefully something changes. How do you want to see the Tetris scene evolve?
Aaron: I want to see it grow, and it will after TTO3. I also want to see more competition both inside and outside of tournaments.

How do you think HD’s changed since you’ve joined?
I think HD is more of a family now because most of the active members know each other, but I feel that has slightly tamed competition.  We’re much closer to a Facebook for Tetris players than a gaming forum for Tetris players now.

What are some tips you’d give to a new Tetris player?
Aaron: Yeah, don’t listen to my Tetris advice because look where it’s gotten me.  

Haha I see. To wrap up this interview, do you have any shout outs to any of the members?
Aaron: Shout outs to Stephanie for reviving the interviews, Dhuang for his work on NML season 1 and TTO3, and the academy!

Lol daw ~_~ tears to my eyes.

If anyone has any additional questions for Aaron, leave a reply below

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Thanks for the underdog compliment

So my question for you is, what are you going to do for the next league? Any new tasty addon ideas?


Great interview. I got to learn more about aaron


Wow, I had no idea you were so young!

Thanks again for your help with the Perfect Clear Study .


Quote from: ohitsstef
Do you still talk to your old teammates from S16 and HR?
Aaron: Not from S16 because I’m the only person still playing. That was Ukranian’s team. Hell I’m the only one from HR who still plays!

Larry doesn’t play anymore?!
Aaron: He rarely plays and TF doesn’t count.
The hell is this.  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Aaron: Not from S16 because I’m the only person still playing.[/quote]
<--- Former s16 and md.


Quote from: SisuRegrets?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Finally got around to reading this, nice interview and responses.  Aww my little baby is 16, almost a grown man.


Quote from: Aaron
Quote from: SisuRegrets?


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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)